DD Form 1162-1 – Schedule of Services and Rates For Household Goods

DDFORMS.ORGDD Form 1162-1 – Schedule of Services and Rates For Household Goods – What is DD Form 1162-1? Where can I find a DD Form 1162-1? What does a DD Form 1162-1 contain? These are all questions that have plagued soldiers for years. This article aims to shed some light on these important documents. Hopefully, the information in it will assist you in making a wise decision regarding a certain document.

Download DD Form 1162-1 – Schedule of Services and Rates For Household Goods

Form Number DD Form 1162-1
Form Title Schedule of Services and Rates For Household Goods
Edition Date 9/1/1998
File Size 48 KB

DD FORM 1162-1 (5 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1162-1?

A DD Form 1162-1 is a document that tells the government what kind of personal information they have about you and why they need it. This document is required by the Privacy Act of 1974 (also known as Public Law 93-579). It is a legal document that provides information to individuals about the purpose for which the information is being collected. If you do not provide this information in a legal manner, you may face civil and criminal penalties.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1162-1?

Marines who are 46 and older must complete a Risk Factor Worksheet. This document contains the information required by the Department of Defense. It’s mandatory to submit this form to the Department of Defense before a shipment can be shipped. A copy of this form is available from the Department of Defense’s website.

DD Form 1162-1 – Schedule of Services and Rates Fo

The DPM TSPs offer rates to the United States Government on transportation/storage services. These TSPs must be administratively qualified and maintain approved warehouse facilities. They must also submit their rates on or before the deadline. DPS recipients include the General Service Administration and the Department of Justice.

Each DPM TSP will file a Schedule of Services and Rates for each service item. This schedule will cover intra-city and intra-area moves. Rates will be filed by the designated filing deadlines, which are indicated in Table V.B.2-1.

The DPS reviews each rate submitted to determine if it is within or outside the Competitive Rate range. If a rate is outside the range, it will be rejected. A DPS TSP must submit a rate that is within the Competitive Rate range to be accepted.

DD Form 1162-1 Example

DD Form 1162-1