DD Form 1164 – Service Order For Personal Property

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1164 – Service Order For Personal Property – If you are wondering what DD Form 1164 is, or where to find one, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to learn more about this service order for personal property. A smooth internet connection and a device are all you need to complete an online form. You can sign electronically, too, making it legal and binding.

Download DD Form 1164 – Service Order For Personal Property

Form Number DD Form 1164
Form Title Service Order For Personal Property
Edition Date 9/1/1998
File Size 58 KB

DD FORM 1164 (13 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1164?

The Department of Defense (DoD) requires all employees to fill out DD Form 1164 when claiming reimbursement for certain expenses, including travel and lodging. The form must be signed and dated by the employee, as well as by a first-line supervisor. It is also required to be accompanied by the necessary receipts. The completed form should be submitted to the accounts payable technician or the Office of Accounting and Financial Management.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1164?

If you are a veteran and want to submit your DD Form 1164 for reimbursement, you will need to know where to get this form. This form is also known as the SF1164, or claim form. It is a type of expense report. You can find the form on the USGS Web tools and applications site. It is also found in the Financial Operating Procedures Handbook. You should complete and sign this form, and provide dates. Also, you will need to attach any required receipts. Once you have completed this form, present it to the accounts payable technician or forward it to the Office of Accounting and Financial Management.

DD Form 1164 – Service Order For Personal Property

The DD Form 1164 – Service Order for Personal Property is a legal document that is used to serve a person with a legal process. It must be signed by the person who is being served. Generally, this document has several sections. You can edit the document online. You can change the text and layout of the form. You can also insert objects and text into it.

D Form 1164 Example

D Form 1164