DD Form 1208 – Specific Gravity Tests

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1208 – Specific Gravity Tests – The DD Form 1208 is used to document the results of a specific gravity test. This test is used to determine the number of solids in a liquid sample. The results of this test can be used to help determine the purity of a liquid, and the DD Form 1208 should be kept on file in order to track the results of tests over time.

Download DD Form 1208 – Specific Gravity Tests

Form Number DD Form 1208
Form Title Specific Gravity Tests
Edition Date 12/1/1999
File Size 47 KB

DD FORM 1208 (0 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1208?

A DD Form 1208 is a specific gravity test that is used to determine the overall density of a sample. This test is often used in conjunction with other tests, such as the Brix test, to give a more accurate picture of the properties of a sample.

The specific gravity of a substance is the ratio of the substance’s density to the density of water. The DD Form 1208 is used to determine the density of a variety of substances, including liquids, solids, and gases.

This test is important because it can help identify impurities in a sample or indicate whether a substance has been diluted. For example, if the specific gravity of a liquid is lower than expected, it may be because the liquid has been diluted with water.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1208?

The DD Form 1208 is used to document the results of a specific gravity test, which is conducted to determine the density of a liquid. This form can be found online at the website of the Department of Defense’s National Defense Authorization Act. To access this website, go to www.dod.gov and enter “DD Form 1208” in the search bar. Once you find the form, you will need to fill out your contact information and submit it to the address provided.

DD Form 1208 – Specific Gravity Tests

The DD Form 1208 is used to test the specific gravity of a liquid. This test is used to determine the density of a liquid and can be used to calculate the concentration of a solution. The specific gravity of a liquid is the ratio of the density of the liquid to the density of water.

To perform a specific gravity test, you will need a clean glass container, a weight scale, and a graduated cylinder. First, weigh the empty graduated cylinder on the weight scale. Then, fill the graduated cylinder with the liquid being tested. Finally, weigh the graduated cylinder with the liquid being tested.

The specific gravity of the liquid can be calculated using this formula: (weight of graduated cylinder with liquid being tested – weight of empty graduated cylinder) / (weight of liquid being tested).

DD Form 1208 Example

DD Form 1208