DD Form 1213 – Compression Test, Unconfined

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1213 – Compression Test, Unconfined – Before you begin your search for your DD Form 1213, it’s important to understand exactly what it is. This document documents the results of a compression test, which is performed during the military selection process. It also includes a number of important details about the military. This document will help you determine whether you’re eligible for a promotion.

Download DD Form 1213 – Compression Test, Unconfined

Form Number DD Form 1213
Form Title Compression Test, Unconfined
Edition Date 8/1/1957
File Size 59 KB

DD FORM 1213 (17 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1213?

If you’re wondering what is a DD Form 1213, you are not alone. The military uses this form to expedite the processing of potential survivor claims. These forms can be seen at payment centers and field offices. These forms also contain information for those who served in the armed forces.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1213?

DD Form 1213, also known as the Department of Defense Form 1213, is a document that is sent to the MATPSC by the military department in order to expedite a potential survivor claim. It is also sometimes encountered at field offices and payment centers.

DD Form 1213 – Compression Test

Compression testing is a vital component of many industrial processes. Compressive strength is the amount of stress that a material can tolerate before it fails completely. In the case of brittle materials, this value will drop dramatically when the load is removed. However, for materials that are characterized by a high degree of ductility, the compressive stress will remain constant until the load is removed. A compression test report may show specific deformations.

Compression testing helps manufacturers determine the strength and integrity of a product. Its applications range from the strength testing of a car windshield to the endurance testing of concrete beams used in construction. The compressive strength of materials is generally low compared to tensile strength. For this reason, this test is commonly performed on brittle materials that are used in load-bearing capacity.

DD Form 1213 Example

DD Form 1213