DD Form 1217 – Bituminous Mix Design-Aggregate Blending

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1217 – Bituminous Mix Design-Aggregate Blending – DD Form 1217 is a document used by bituminous mix designers to determine the gradation of aggregates in a bituminous mix. It records the sizes of the sieves used and the percents that pass for all four aggregates. It also includes the bitumen percentages.

Download DD Form 1217 – Bituminous Mix Design-Aggregate Blending

Form Number DD Form 1217
Form Title Bituminous Mix Design-Aggregate Blending
Edition Date 12/1/1965
File Size 97 KB

DD FORM 1217 (0 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1217?

The DD Form 1217 is a government document used to track military service. After a person is released from the armed forces, he or she can apply for benefits from the VA. This document is also used to record the military service of a deceased person. It is important for the individual to fill out the appropriate fields.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1217?

Where Can I Find a DD Form Twelve Seventeen? This form is used to close out contracts and other contracts that involve the Government. These types of contracts can be labor-hour, time-and-materials, and cost-reimbursement. This form is needed to protect the Government’s interests.

DD Form 1217 Example

DD Form 1217