DD Form 1249 – Airlift Request – SAAM or JCS Exercise

DDFORMS.ORGDD Form 1249 – Airlift Request – SAAM or JCS Exercise – There are several things to know about DD Form 1249. Firstly, it is an Airlift Request. Secondly, it can be filled out anywhere in the world. You don’t need to be at the location where the military is located to complete the form. You can even fill it out online if you wish.

Download DD Form 1249 – Airlift Request – SAAM or JCS Exercise

Form Number DD Form 1249
Form Title Airlift Request – SAAM or JCS Exercise
Edition Date 7/1/1981
File Size 55 KB

DD FORM 1249 (0 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1249?

You may have heard of the DD Form 1249, or bridge reconnaissance report. The military uses this form to record information about military transportation. It is a part of the Defense Transportation Regulation (DTR) 4500.9-R. There are a few things you should know before filling out the DD Form 1249.

DD Form 1249 – Airlift Request

DD Form 1249 – Airlift request is a document required for requesting an airlift. The request must be submitted to the appropriate ECJ4 or component command airlift validator. The validator must be a person authorized by USAFE to process airlift requests. The validator should be named and have their organization and office symbol included on the request.

A request for an airlift involves special transportation to a remote location that is not possible to be reached with other modes of transportation. The Defense Transportation Regulation (DTR) calls for the use of the most cost-effective mode of transportation. For this reason, SAAM requests must include a letter of authorization from the agency responsible for paying the request.

DD Form 1249 Example

DD Form 1249