DD Form 1299 – Application for Shipment and/or Storage of Personal Property

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 1299 – Application for Shipment and/or Storage of Personal Property – If you’re wondering what a DD Form 1299 is, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you’ll learn what this document is and where you can find it. Once you’ve got this document in hand, you can begin completing it. You’ll find that you can find a variety of resources online to complete this form.

Download DD Form 1299 – Application for Shipment and/or Storage of Personal Property

Form Number DD Form 1299
Form Title Application for Shipment and/or Storage of Personal Property
Edition Date 3/7/2022
File Size 39 KB

DD FORM 1299 (15 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1299?

A DD Form 1299 is a form that is issued by the Department of Defense. It is used by eligible individuals to request the shipment or storage of personal property. The form is generated automatically by the Defense Personal Property system. If you are eligible to use this service, you can download and submit the DD 1299 form to the government.

An example of a DD Form 1299 is the form an applicant must submit when shipping household goods to Germany. Applicants should be aware that they should initial all appropriate areas and sign the form before the shipment is sent. A DD Form 1299 will not be accepted if it contains incorrect information.

Part I of the form details the goods that must be transported to the new location. The form requires details regarding the weight of the household items. It must specify the Weight Allowances and whether the service member has to pay extra for shipping items that are heavier than the allowed amount. The form also specifies the pickup and delivery dates of household goods. It also includes information about appliances that will need service and temporary storage options.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1299?

First of all, you must register and set a password for your account. Once you have done that, you can upload a DD Form 1299 to doubt from your device or cloud. Then, you can highlight and customize it. Once you have done that, you can print out multiple copies of it or email it to yourself.

The DD Form 1299 is issued by the Department of Defense and is used by eligible individuals who wish to ship or store their personal property. It is also used by the Department of Finance for tax collection purposes and by commercial carriers and shipping agents. The form is required by the government and is filed annually.

You can also find it online at DPS. This application allows you to upload signed documents and order sets. After you complete this process, you must hand carry all signed documents to the PPPO. It is best to prepare early and be flexible about the pick-up date. If you need to pick up your documents on a particular date, you should contact the PPPO in advance.

DD Form 1299 – Application for Shipment and/or Storage of Personal Property

If you have to move out of the state and need to store or ship your personal property, you will need to complete the DD Form 1299. This form is issued by the Department of Defense and can be obtained from your local Transportation Office. This form is used to evaluate personal shipment and storage requests and to prepare Government shipping documents. It is also used by the Finance Office to process payments for shipments.

On the DD Form 1299, the applicant requested that his household goods be shipped to Germany. He initialed the appropriate areas and requested delivery on 19 September. He did not request that an SIT (Storage in Transit) service be authorized for this shipment. Instead, he asked for a date that would accommodate his wife’s busy schedule.

DD Form 1299 Example

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