DD Form 1348-2 – Issue Release/Receipt Document with Address Label

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1348-2 – Issue Release/Receipt Document with Address Label – DD Form 1348-2 is a document that is used to issue receipts and issue releases. You may need this document to sign off on a shipment. The following article will help you learn more about DD Form 1348-2. You will also learn where you can find this document. This document is very important, and you should learn more about it if you are preparing to send one out.

Download DD Form 1348-2 – Issue Release/Receipt Document with Address Label

Form Number DD Form 1348-2
Form Title Issue Release/Receipt Document with Address Label
Edition Date 2/1/1989
File Size 57 KB

DD FORM 1348-2 (2 downloads )

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1348-2?

A DD Form 1348-2 is a mandatory document that has to be completed for all shipments to DoD customers. These shipments may be for foreign military sales or contractors. The document is prepared by the supply/shipping activity. A requisitioner can fill out the DD Form 1348-2 by hand or by using a software program. The form is designed to be easy to fill out and includes a wide range of editing tools.

DD Form 1348-1A and 1348-2 are used to requisition materiel. They are both directives that allow for the release of stock, but DD Form 1348-1A is used to receive the material. They are also used to notify the designated FMS freight forwarder.

DD Form 1348-2 – Issue Release/Receipt Document with Address Label

An Issue Release/Receipt Document with Address Label is an official document that must be prepared by a supply or shipping activity. It contains data elements for different types of transactions. It can be prepared manually or mechanically. Whether the form is mechanically prepared or manually prepared, it must contain the required bar codes.

When using the DD Form 1348-1A, make sure that the form has all the required data elements. When entering data into a form, make sure the form is legible and complete. You can use an automated printer or typewriter, or you can use a hand scribe. You must also include the IUID and EAN-13 codes on the form.

IRRDs may contain the serial number of an item, as well as other optional information that identifies the item. For example, you may need to include a manufacturer’s CAGE code, a batch/lot number, or another item identifier. These items will typically be listed on block 27 of the IRRD.

DD Form 1348-2 Example

DD Form 1348-2