DD Form 1348 – DoD Single Line Item Requisition System Document (Manual)

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1348 – DoD Single Line Item Requisition System Document (Manual) – If you’re about to ship items for the Department of Defense, you will need to prepare a document called the DD Form 1348. This document is prepared either manually or mechanically and must be legible and contain all of the required bar codes. You must also include this document with transfers to the DLA Disposition Services Field Office.

Download DD Form 1348 – DoD Single Line Item Requisition System Document (Manual)

Form Number DD Form 1348
Form Title DoD Single Line Item Requisition System Document (Manual)
Edition Date 7/1/1991
File Size 513 KB

DD FORM 1348 (12 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1348?

What is a DD Form 1348 and how does it work? This 6-part manual receipt is used by the military to record a variety of transactions. Each section contains data elements that specify the type of transaction. It may be manually prepared or mechanically prepared. In either case, it must contain all required bar codes.

A DD Form 1348 is required for any shipment to a Department of Defense customer. The document is prepared mechanically or manually and must be legible. The data elements must be legible and the DD 1348-1A must contain all required bar codes. The form must be submitted with each transfer by DLA Disposition Services Field Office.

DD Form 1348-1A is a six-part document filed with standard codes. The form is used for shipments tracked under UIT and is used as a disposal turn-in document. It can be printed on 80-column paper. It contains all pertinent data and is accompanied by a perforated post label.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1348?

The DD Form 1348 is a mandatory document that must be included with shipments to Department of Defense customers. It is prepared mechanically or manually and should be legible and contain all of the necessary bar codes. It must be sent with any transfer from a DLA Disposition Services Field Office.

You may find it in the documents section of the Department of Defense website. The document contains the national stock number of the item. It may also contain local numbers. The national stock number must match the item name. This way, you can easily determine the value of the item.

DD Form 1348 – DoD Single Line Item Requisition System Document (Manual)

DD Form 1348 is a multipart document that can be completed digitally, on a typewriter, or even with a ballpoint pen. It contains information mostly in the form of codes. This form is used to requisition items from nonautomated ships. It also contains information on the shipment of inventory and a notice of availability.

DD Form 1348 is used for requisitioning material. It also serves as a directive for stock releases. The document may also be used to notify the designated FMS freight forwarder of a shipment of a single line item or shipment unit.

The person receiving the material must check the quantity against the DD Form 1348-1 to ensure the quantity received is accurate and in good condition. Any shortages or damage must be corrected immediately. Variations must be documented and reported to the accountable property officer. These variations will be recorded on the bill of lading.

DD Form 1348 Example

DD Form 1348