DD Form 1351-5 – Quarters and/or Mess, Government

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1351-5 – Quarters and/or Mess, Government – DD Form 1351-5 is a form for Quarters and/or Mess. You can find this form online or by calling the DD Office. The DD Office can also send you a copy of this form.

Download DD Form 1351-5 – Quarters and/or Mess, Government

Form Number DD Form 1351-5
Form Title Quarters and/or Mess, Government
Edition Date 7/1/1999
File Size 55 KB

DD FORM 1351-5 (10 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1351-5?

DD Form 1351-5 is a document issued to members who are assigned temporary duty assignments at a permanent change of station. It is used to document reimbursable travel expenses. It is issued at ports of embarkation or debarkation and personnel processing centers. The document can be authenticated by a properly authorized facsimile signature stamp. It is also issued to travelers at temporary duty locations where government quarters are unavailable.

DD Form 1351-5 is issued by the senior member in a position of command, administrative authority, or commander. The form is issued at ports of embarkation and ports of debarkation to travelers who are assigned temporary duty assignments for 24 hours or more. It confirms that the traveler is not utilizing government quarters. It is also issued to travelers when the military quarters are unavailable at recognized military installations.

It is also required by 1 JFTR U1045-C. This requires members to verify that the quarters are available. The document should also include an itinerary with travel times and locations. In order to increase your chances of reimbursement, it is important to fill out the form as thoroughly as possible.

The document should be signed by the commander of the facility. If the quarters are not available, the traveler should attach the DD Form 1351-5 to the travel claim form. The traveler should also list his/her travel companions. In addition, he/she should list the amount of the reimbursable travel expenses.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1351-5?

DD Form 1351-5 is one of many ad hoc forms issued to members of the armed forces on temporary duty assignments. These forms are issued at ports of embarkation, personnel processing centers, and permanent change of station locations. It is a one-page document, which includes the most common information. It is signed by the commander of the facility.

Using this form is the best way to confirm entitlement to compensation for travel and lodging. Using a travel voucher can help you to streamline your TDY process. For example, you can send a claim to your local pay office or complete it online and have it printed or sent via email. A Travel Voucher Direct service is also available. With a Travel Voucher Direct account, you can upload up to three files, no larger than 5MB each. You can also print, scan, and create new PDFs. You can then send them to your pay office to claim reimbursement for your travel.

Using the DD Form 1351-5 is a good way to verify your entitlement to compensation for travel and lodging. It is also the quickest and most accurate way to document your expenses. You should also remember to fill out all of the information on your form. Keeping this information as up-to-date as possible will help you to get reimbursed for your travel and lodging.

DD Form 1351-5 – Quarters and/or Mess, Government

DD Form 1351-5 is the quintessential travel voucher and is usually issued in conjunction with a temporary duty assignment of more than 24 hours. A travel voucher is a great way for members to earn their keep while on duty. The DD Form 1351-5 is a simple to fill-out form that will prove to be invaluable during an extended stint of travel. Using the DD Form 1351-5, members can claim their travel and lodging allowances. The form is a requisite for all military personnel performing temporary duty in the armed forces. The DD Form 1351-5 is also required for those in the Department of Defense. The DD Form 1351-5 is issued at ports of embarkation and debarkation, personnel processing centers, and other designated military installations.

DD Form 1351-5 Example

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