DD Form 1371 – Consignee’s Receipt for Delivery at Stop-off Unloading Point

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1371 – Consignee’s Receipt for Delivery at Stop-off Unloading Point – DD Form 1371 is a document that is used for the consignee to receive a receipt of delivery of cargo. This document can be used for any type of cargo and is usually used by shippers and couriers.

Download DD Form 1371 – Consignee’s Receipt for Delivery at Stop-off Unloading Point

Form Number DD Form 1371
Form Title Consignee’s Receipt for Delivery at Stopoff Unloading Point
Edition Date 9/1/1998
File Size 715 KB

DD FORM 1371 (4 downloads )

DD Form 1371 – Consignee’s Receipt for Delivery at Stop off Unloading Point

DD Form 1371 – Consignee’s Receipt for Delivery at Stop off Unloading Point is a document prepared to accompany property to DLA Disposition Services Field Offices. This form may be preprinted and attached to the shipment or it may be hand-prepared or mechanically prepared. The DD Form 1348 must be in a legible format and contain the prescribed data elements. It is used to screen serialized items for disposition. It is also used as a disposal turn-in document for DLA Disposition Services Field Offices.

The DD Form 1348 is a five-1/2″ high, eight-and-one-half” long form that can be manually entered or hand-prepared, printed on a nonimpact printer, or mechanically printed. It may be preprinted on plain stock paper or with margins of one-fourth inch. It is also available on carbonless paper. It can be used for screening serialized items and as a disposal turn-in document for disposal facilities. It is used in conjunction with MIL-STD-129 and IRRD.

The form may contain multiple Macro PDF417 2D bar codes and a single PDF417 2D bar code, or it may contain one PDF417 2D bar code. In addition to the required data elements, it can include encoded MH10.8.2 standard data identifiers and in-the-clear text. The form can also be produced separately or it can be produced on the same page as the 1348-1A.

DD Form 1371 Example

DD Form 1371