DD Form 1384 – Transportation Control and Movement Document

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 1384 – Transportation Control and Movement Document – DD Form 1384 is a document that focuses on transportation control and movement. It is used by the military to record and report the movement of soldiers.

Download DD Form 1384 – Transportation Control and Movement Document

Form Number DD Form 1384 –
Form Title Transportation Control and Movement Document
Edition Date 10/1/2000
File Size 62 KB

DD FORM 1384 (27 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1384?

DD Form 1384 is a document that can be used to create a complete record of cargo movement. This document consists of four blocks, each of which is used to record a specific piece of information. You can fill out the form by hand, on a computer, or via an online editor.

The first block contains a single-character hour code. This is a measure of the approximate time of release to the carrier at the point of origin. This code is also used to indicate the type of shipment.

The second block includes information about the shipping container. It consists of the letter “H” in the second position which indicates it is household goods. This information is also displayed on the container documentation.

The third block contains a five-position alphanumeric code. It identifies the type of shipment, the origin of the shipment, and the date of requisition. The fifth position notes the exceptions and handling procedures for the shipment.

The fourth block contains a one-character alpha code and a four-character transportation account code. These codes help identify the shipper.

The fifth block contains a four-position numeric code. This code identifies the requisitioner of supplies. The DD Form 1384 is not complete without this component.

The DD Form 1385 is a great way to identify cargo in the DTS. The form is used for checking cargo during loading, billing, and recording the movement of mail.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1384?

DD Form 1384 has four blocks to choose from. The one about the top floor is the fanciest. This is where the big wigs hang out. The smaller blocks on the lower floor are less flashy. This is where the savviness and sexiness of the occupants of the house can be gauged. Aside from the aforementioned occupants, there are plenty of others. It is a slam dunk if you have a spare room on your property or are on a budget. There are also plenty of freeform sites where you can snag a free one-night stay. Some of them even offer a free breakfast. The only drawback is that you can’t hang around for too long.

Aside from a visit to the nearest freeform site, you can also get the aforementioned freebie by bringing your own laptop to the party. You can also download the form from other sites. The form is also available for download in a PDF form. Lastly, you can have the form mailed to you in the mail or delivered to your home or work address. Some of the best sites offer the form via fax. It is also possible to upload it from your smartphone or tablet. The form is also available on a number of sites via the cloud. One of the better ones is the FMC eXchange.

DD Form 1384 – Transportation Control and Movement Document

DD Form 1384 – Transportation Control and Movement Document is a form used in the transportation of military cargo and mail. It is used to identify cargo and to create a complete record of the shipment. It can be prepared as a computer disk or a handwritten document. It can also be used to identify the freight and to bill for it.

This form is prepared by the shipper. It includes the TCN (Transportation Control Number) and all other information needed to process shipments through DTS. The TCN is located on all documents used to identify cargo.

The TCN is used to identify the cargo and to assign it to the shipment unit. Each shipment unit has a unique TCN. The TCN is usually assigned by the origin transportation officer.

Shippers must comply with all DTS regulations and international and local laws. They must also adhere to any agreements with the Transportation Department. They must also keep supporting documentation for emergency routing.

DOD 4500.9-R defines the criteria for cargo movement. It requires that shippers and aircrew members provide extra protection for special cargo. It also requires that all shippers provide information about the shipping documents to ensure compliance.

Shippers may also be liable for damages if they do not comply with the terms of the DTS. If the cargo is hazardous, the government must have a plan for handling hazardous materials. The plan must include training requirements for employees. Those employees who ship hazardous materials must have completed a DOD-authorized HAZMAT course.

DD Form 1384 Example

DD Form 1384