DD Form 1390S – FY ____ Guard and Reserve Military Construction

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1390S – FY ____ Guard and Reserve Military Construction – The form consists of five sections: Project Information, Justification, Estimated Costs, Certification, and Appendices. Section one requires the project title, location, and a brief description.

Download DD Form 1390S – FY ____ Guard and Reserve Military Construction

Form Number DD Form 1390S
Form Title FY ____ Guard and Reserve Military Construction
Edition Date 5/1/1978
File Size 48 KB

DD FORM 1390S (3 downloads )

The DD Form 1390S is used to request funding for Guard and Reserve military construction projects. The form must be completed and submitted to the Department of Defense (DoD) by the appropriate Reserve Component commander.

What is a DD Form 1390S?

A DD Form 1390S is a document that identifies the specific military construction projects that are authorized for funding in the fiscal year. The form is used by the Department of Defense (DOD) to track progress and ensure accountability for the use of taxpayer dollars.

The form is divided into three sections: section one lists the projects authorized for funding; section two provides a brief description of each project, and section three includes signatures from officials who have reviewed and approved the request.

Projects listed on a DD Form 1390S may include renovations to existing buildings, construction of new buildings, or the purchase of equipment. The form is typically released in the spring, and it allows Congress to see which projects DOD has prioritized for funding.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1390S?

DD Form 1390S is available online through the Department of Defense (DoD) website. The form can be found by searching for “DD Form 1390S” on the site. Once you have located the form, you will need to fill out the form and submit it to the DoD.

DD Form 1390S – FY ____ Guard and Reserve Military Construction

The DD Form 1390S is the FY Guard and Reserve Military Construction. The purpose of this form is to provide information on the guard and reserve military construction projects that have been completed or are underway. This form provides a summary of the project, including the project name, location, cost, and completion date.

DD Form 1390S Example

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