DD Form 1423-1 – Contract Data Requirements List (1 Data Item)

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1423-1 – Contract Data Requirements List (1 Data Item) – A DD Form 1423-1, also known as a Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL), is a required document for all U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) contracts. The form lists the specific data requirements for a given contract and is used to track the progress of the contractor in meeting those requirements. The CDRL is also used to assess the contractor’s performance on the contract.

Download DD Form 1423-1 – Contract Data Requirements List (1 Data Item)

Form Number DD Form 1423-1 –
Form Title Contract Data Requirements List (1 Data Item)
Edition Date 2/1/2001
File Size 71 KB

DD FORM 1423-1 (1 download )

What is a DD Form 1423-1?

A DD Form 1423-1 is a Contract Data Requirements List that identifies the specific data items that a contractor must submit in order to comply with the requirements of the contract. The form is used to ensure that all required data is collected and submitted in a timely and accurate manner.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1423-1?

The DD Form 1423-1 is a data requirements list that provides guidance to contractors on what data is required for specific acquisition programs. The form is available online through the Department of Defense’s website.

The DD Form 1423-1 is used to determine what data is required for specific acquisition programs. The form is available online through the Department of Defense’s website. The website also provides guidance on how to fill out the form and where to submit it.

DD Form 1423-1 Example

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