DD Form 1523 – Military Family Housing Justification

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1523 – Military Family Housing Justification – DD Form 1523, also known as the Military Family Housing Justification, is a document used by service members to request housing benefits. The form is used to provide justification for why the service member needs housing benefits and how the benefits will be used. The form must be completed and submitted to the service member’s commanding officer for approval.

Download DD Form 1523 – Military Family Housing Justification

Form Number DD Form 1523
Form Title Military Family Housing Justification
Edition Date 11/1/1990
File Size 59 KB

DD FORM 1523 (3 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1523?

A DD Form 1523 is a document used by the United States military to justify the need for family housing. The form is used to assess the need for housing, the number of dependents, and the type of housing required. The form is also used to determine the eligibility of service members for government-provided housing allowances.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1523?

If you’re looking for a DD Form 1523, you can find it on the website of the Department of Defense. The DD Form 1523 is used to justify the need for military family housing. The form must be completed and signed by the service member and his or her spouse.

DD Form 1523 – Military Family Housing Justification

The DD Form 1523 is used by military personnel to request housing benefits for themselves and their families. The form must be completed and submitted to the appropriate housing office for review and approval.

The DD Form 1523 requests basic information about the applicant, including name, rank, and contact information. The form also asks for a detailed justification for why the applicant needs housing benefits. This justification must include an explanation of why the applicant cannot find suitable housing on the open market.

If approved, the DD Form 1523 entitles the applicant to receive housing benefits in accordance with Department of Defense regulations. These benefits may include a stipend to help cover the cost of rent or mortgage payments, utilities, and other necessary expenses.

DD Form 1523 Example

DD Form 1523