DD Form 1588 – Record of Travel Payments

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 1588 – Record of Travel Payments – If you’re in the military and need to find a copy of your DD Form 1588, you’ve come to the right place. Here, you’ll learn more about DD Form 1588, or the Record of Travel Payments. It’s important to keep this form for a number of reasons.

Download DD Form 1588 – Record of Travel Payments

Form Number DD Form 1588
Form Title Record of Travel Payments
Edition Date 1/1/1967
File Size 45 KB

DD FORM 1588 (3 downloads )

The DD Form 1588 is a document used by the United States Department of Defense to track travel payments. The form is used to record the travel expenses of service members and their dependents. The information on the form is used to determine the amount of reimbursement the service member or dependent will receive. The DD Form 1588 is a vital part of the travel reimbursement process for the Department of Defense.

What is a DD Form 1588?

A DD Form 1588 is a document used by the United States Department of Defense to record travel payments. The form is used to track travel expenses incurred by employees of the Department of Defense, as well as contractors and other individuals who are authorized to travel on government business. The DD Form 1588 includes fields for the traveler’s name, destination, dates of travel, and expenses incurred. The form is used to reconcile travel expenses with the traveler’s actual receipts.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1588?

During travel, service members are paid based on the rates authorized for their rank and travel status. Their pay is determined using a DD Form 1588. The DD Form 1588 is used to record the travel expenses of service members. It includes information on the dates of travel, the mode of transportation, and the amount of money spent on each mode of transportation. The form also includes a statement that lists the total amount of money that the service member is owed for their travel expenses. The DD Form 1588 is available online through the Department of Defense’s website.

DD Form 1588 – Record of Travel Payments

The DD Form 1588 – Record of Travel Payments is required when a traveler is transferring to a new duty station. This form shows when the traveler is authorized to use a rental car and when a debt has been created. The traveler must pay the debt within 30 days of being notified of the debt. Otherwise, the debt will be referred to the U.S. Treasury for collection.

DD Form 1588 Example

DD Form 1588