DD Form 1654 – Evaluation of Transportation Cost Factors

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1654 – Evaluation of Transportation Cost Factors – DD Form 1654 is a document used to evaluate transportation cost factors for offers from foreign countries. It is a required form for US military personnel. The purpose of DD Form 1654 is to help contracting personnel determine whether a certain offer is too expensive to proceed with. Specifically, it provides information about the transportation costs of f.o.b. origin offers.

Download DD Form 1654 – Evaluation of Transportation Cost Factors

Form Number DD Form 1654
Form Title Evaluation of Transportation Cost Factors
Edition Date 4/1/1999
File Size 548 KB

DD FORM 1654 (0 downloads )

The Department of Defense (DOD) Form 1654 is used to help evaluate transportation cost factors. This includes things like the type of transportation, the distance, and the weight of the shipment. The form is used by contracting officers to determine if a particular mode of transportation is the best option for a given situation.

What is a DD Form 1654?

The DD Form 1654 is used to evaluate transportation cost factors. This form is used by the Department of Defense (DoD) to determine if a contractor’s prices are reasonable. The form is used to analyze a variety of transportation costs, including fuel, labor, equipment, and overhead.

The DD Form 1654 is an important tool in the Department of Defense’s contracting process. By using this form, the DoD can ensure that it is paying a fair price for the services it receives.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1654?

DD Form 1654 is available online at the Department of Defense (DOD) website. The form is used to determine the reimbursement amount for transportation costs incurred by service members.

Service members can access the form through their myPay account. To log in to play, service members will need their Social Security number and date of birth. Once logged in, service members can click on the “Travel” tab and then select “Download Forms.” From there, DD Form 1654 can be found under the “Transportation” section.

DD Form 1654 – Evaluation of Transportation Cost Factors

DD Form 1654 – Evaluation of Transportation Cost Factors is a document used to evaluate the costs associated with transporting DOD-sponsored cargo. It specifies the transportation method used to move DOD-sponsored cargo and its ultimate destination. The DOD Transportation Management Agency is responsible for the bookkeeping and contract administration of DOD-sponsored cargo and the performance of export/import surface traffic management functions.

DD Form 836, Hazardous Materials Transportation Cost F, must be filled out by an authorized individual from the unit, organization, or government transportation office that is responsible for transporting HAZMAT. This individual must have successfully completed a DOD-authorized HAZMAT course and be appointed by the activity commander. This person must also have the authority to sign the form.

When preparing a DD Form 1654, the shipper must include the required information about the shipment. The TO must also describe the shipments and document them in accordance with regulations. Moreover, the shipper should try to consolidate shipments in order to secure lower per-pound rates. It should also be noted that the TO should take into account the value of the property that will be shipped.

DD Form 1654 Example

DD Form 1654