DD Form 1692-2 – Engineering Change Proposal (ECP), Page 2 (Instructions)

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1692-2 – Engineering Change Proposal (ECP), Page 2 (Instructions) – The DD Form 1692-2 – Engineering Change Proposal (ECP), Page 2 Instructions provides guidance on the information that is required to be completed in order to submit an ECP. The instructions detail what information is needed in each section of the form, as well as how to format the document.

Download DD Form 1692-2 – Engineering Change Proposal (ECP), Page 2 (Instructions)

Form Number DD Form 1692-2
Form Title Engineering Change Proposal (ECP), Page 2 (Instructions)
Edition Date 1/1/2018
File Size 40 KB

DD FORM 1692-2 (2 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1692-2?

A DD Form 1692-2, otherwise known as an Engineering Change Proposal (ECP), is a document used by the United States Department of Defense to request changes to existing systems. The form is used to propose new or revised designs, specifications, materials, processes, or procedures.

The ECP is the first step in the formal process for requesting and approving changes to systems under the jurisdiction of the Department of Defense. The form must be completed and submitted to the appropriate authority for review and approval. Once approved, the change will be implemented according to the plan specified in the ECP.

The DD Form 1692-2 is a critical part of ensuring that changes to systems are made in a safe and efficient manner. By following the proper procedures and using this form, defense personnel can be confident that proposed changes will be given careful consideration before being implemented.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1692-2?

If you need a DD Form 1692-2, also known as an Engineering Change Proposal (ECP), you can find it on the website of the Department of Defense. The form is used to request a change to a design or specification for a product or system.

To fill out the form, you’ll need information about the proposed change, including why it’s needed and how it will be implemented. You’ll also need to provide supporting documentation, such as drawings or specifications.

Once you’ve completed the form, submit it to your supervisor or program manager for approval. Once approved, the change can be implemented.

DD Form 1692-2 – Engineering Change Proposal (ECP), Page 2 (Instructions)

  • An engineering change proposal, or ECP, is a document that outlines a proposed change to a product or system.
  • The DD Form 1692-2 is the second page of the ECP and contains instructions for filling out the form.
  • The first step is to identify the project or system that will be affected by the proposed change.
  • Next, you must describe the nature of the change in detail.
  • Then, you must justify the need for the change and provide supporting documentation as needed.
  • Finally, you must identify any potential risks associated with implementing the proposed change and mitigation strategies to address those risks.

DD Form 1692-2 Example

DD Form 1692-2