DD Form 1694 – Request for Variance (RFV)

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 1694 – Request for Variance (RFV) – Are you wondering what a DD Form 1694 is? And where can you find a copy? You can fill out and sign it online. The process is easy. But, there are a few things you should know before you start. First, it is necessary to know what this form is used for. A DD form 1694 is a request for variation, RFV.

Download DD Form 1694 – Request for Variance (RFV)

Form Number DD Form 1694
Form Title Request for Variance (RFV)
Edition Date 4/1/2017
File Size 44 KB

DD FORM 1694 (17 downloads )

What is a DD Form 1694?

In this article, we will explain what a DD Form 1694 is and how to fill it out online. You can easily fill out the form, sign it electronically, and even share it with others. If you are unsure of how to fill out the form, you can consult the Support section or contact the sign now Support team.

The purpose of a DD Form 1694 is to request a waiver or deviation from requirements. This form is defined in MIL-STD-973 Appendix E, which establishes uniform requirements for such forms. It describes how an item can be made exempt from technical requirements, why it needs a deviation, or why a waiver is necessary.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1694?

If you’re looking to get a copy of a DD Form 1694, you can do so online with an online form editor. These apps will let you edit your form in a variety of ways, including adding images and checkmarks. You can also rearrange pages and reposition text. Once you’re finished, you can print the document.

To start, you’ll need to find a form to fill out. You can find DD forms online or in the office. You can complete and sign them online to speed up your workflow. Some websites offer fillable PDF templates, while others have specific forms for signing.

DD Form 1694 – Request for Variance RFV

DD Form 1694 – Request for Variance is a government form that is used to request a change to the amount of funding allocated for a particular project. The form must be filled out completely. The submitter must include his or her contact information, name and title, and signature. If the request is approved, it must also be signed by the person approving the request.

The request must include a detailed description of the proposed deviation from the contract requirement. It must also contain the date and procuring activity number, DODAAC, originator’s name, and address, and block 4a and block 4b. The government activity’s name and address should also be specified.

This solicitation was issued by VALENTEC SYSTEMS INC., a contractor and offeror. The offeror should price the offer on the basis of the proposal lines. It should include the 100% evaluated option clause included in Section I.

DD Form 1694 Example

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