DD Form 1705 – Reimbursement for Real Estate Sale and/or Purchase Closing Cost Expenses

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1705 – Reimbursement for Real Estate Sale and/or Purchase Closing Cost Expenses – A DD Form 1705 is a form used by DoD civilian employees to claim reimbursement for certain expenses. The form must be completed and signed by a designated official. These officials may consult with legal officers to determine whether a particular expense is authorized. DD1705 is an important document for civilian employees who want to receive reimbursement for expenses related to real estate.

Download DD Form 1705 – Reimbursement for Real Estate Sale and/or Purchase Closing Cost Expenses

Form Number DD Form 1705
Form Title Reimbursement for Real Estate Sale and/or Purchase Closing Cost Expenses
Edition Date 10/1/2002
File Size 75 KB

DD FORM 1705 (2 downloads )

When you make a travel claim, you must submit DD Form 1705 along with supporting documents. You will not be reimbursed for any supporting documents that you do not submit with your claim. You must include the original of your DD Form 1705 along with copies of these documents.

The form requires that you provide the full name and grade of the employee. You must also provide a valid mailing and e-mail address. It is also important to include the authorization number of the new duty station.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1705?

DD Form 1705 is a legal document that civilian employees submit to request reimbursement for expenses related to real estate. It must be signed and reviewed by a designated official. The reviewing official may consult with legal officers to determine whether an expense is authorized or not. The purpose of DD Form 1705 is to allow DoD civilian employees to submit claims for reimbursement of real estate expenses.

This form should include details on the employee, including the name, grade, and authorized number. It must also contain the address of the new duty station. A valid e-mail address, mailing address, and authorization number must be listed. The relocation expenses cannot exceed five percent of the value of the new residence.

The DD Form 1705 requires two types of substantiation. First, it must be signed by the traveler. It must also be dated and include the total amount of the expense. Second, it should include a copy of the original DD Form 1705 and copies of all the supporting documents.

DD Form 1705 Example

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