DD Form 1748-4 – Joint Airdrop Inspection Record (CRRC/MCADS)

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1748-4 – Joint Airdrop Inspection Record (CRRC/MCADS) – Do you know what a DD Form 1748-4 is? Where can you find this form? Read this article to learn more. This document is a joint airdrop inspection record. It’s a legal requirement for those who use the airdrop method to transport munitions. It’s important for service members to keep the document safe.

Download DD Form 1748-4 – Joint Airdrop Inspection Record (CRRC/MCADS)

Form Number DD Form 1748-4
Form Title Joint Airdrop Inspection Record (CRRC/MCADS)
Edition Date 3/1/2019
File Size 39 KB

What is a DD Form 1748-4?

A DD Form 1748-4 is a military document that outlines the equipment a member of the military has received through an airdrop. When filling out the form, the member must include the aircraft’s serial number. The unit responsible for airdropping the equipment must also enter the serial number during the after-loading inspection. The form also requires information from fellow jumpers and the aircrew.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1748-4?

The DD Form 1748-4 is used to report a missing person to the Department of Defense. It is also used for death certificates. This form is a very important document for military personnel. It must be filed with the Department of Defense in order to receive benefits. However, many people are unsure where to find one.

DD Form 1748-4 – Joint Airdrop Inspection Record

The DD Form 1748-4 – Joint airdrop inspection record is essential for military airdrop operations. It must be completed for each load being dropped. This document will show if there was any damage to the loads or malfunctions. This form is also important for mission-critical and life-saving supplies. In the event that the plane is hit, the Joint Airdrop Inspection report can help increase the odds of success.

DD Form 1748-4 Example

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