DD Form 1790 – Prepared Congressional Testimony Review

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1790 – Prepared Congressional Testimony Review – The purpose of DD Form 1790 is to provide information to the Federal government to ensure that payments are sent to the right person. This form is required under the regulations set forth by 31 USC 3322 and 31 CFR 209 to ensure that proper payment data is passed from the Federal agency to the financial institution. If the information requested is not provided accurately, it may delay the processing of the form and delay payments made through the Direct Deposit or EFT Program. The name and address of the payee must be entered on this form in the proper format and the address must match the address on the check.

Download DD Form 1790 – Prepared Congressional Testimony Review

Form Number DD Form 1790
Form Title Prepared Congressional Testimony Review
Edition Date 2/1/2020
File Size 41 KB

DD FORM 1790 (1 download )

What is a DD Form 1790?

DD Form 1790 is a document used to verify that an individual is entitled to receive payments from the Federal government. It is required by 31 USC 3322 and 31 CFR 209, and it is used to transfer payment data from the Federal government to a financial institution. If the form is incomplete, the recipient may experience delays in receiving payments through the Direct Deposit or EFT Program. The form also needs to reflect changes to the member’s address or family composition.

One common reason for filing a DD Form 1790 is to correct a social security number on a military service record. For example, if the applicant’s SSN was reported as XX7-XX-X34X on his or her DD Form 214, but that SSN was not used while he was on active duty, the applicant may request that it be corrected.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1790?

There are several ways to find a DD Form 1790. This form is used to register an individual in the DEERS database, which is also known as the Common Access Card. In most cases, this form is filled out by a sponsor. It may also be completed by a family member or an agent with a Power of Attorney. The form may be needed for new numbers, duplicate cards, or for children living outside the United States.

In May 2017, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report entitled “DD Form 1790 – Prepared Congressional Testimony Review”. The report found that the Department of Defense (DOD) had not properly reviewed or approved testimony given by military officials to Congress. As a result, the GAO recommended that the DOD take steps to improve its review process. This article will provide an overview of the GAO’s findings and recommendations.

When a member of Congress is asked to provide testimony to a House or Senate committee, they must first submit a written statement of their views on the matter at hand. This statement is known as a DD Form 1790, and it must be submitted to the committee chair in advance of the hearing.

So where can you find a DD Form 1790? The form is available on the website of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Rules, which is the committee that oversees congressional testimony. Simply go to the “Forms” section of the website and download the form.

It’s important to note that not all members of Congress will use a DD Form 1790 when submitting testimony. Some may instead choose to submit written testimony directly to the committee, without going through the formal process outlined in Rule 11(a) of the House Rules.

DD Form 1790 Example

DD Form 1790