DD Form 1921-5 – Sustainment Functional Cost-Hour Report

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 1921-5 – Sustainment Functional Cost-Hour Report – The DD Form 1921-5 – Sustainment Functional Cost-Hour Report is a report that is used to track the sustainment costs of an organization. This report can be used to track the costs of personnel, equipment, and other resources. This report can be used to help organizations make informed decisions about their sustainment activities.

Download DD Form 1921-5 – Sustainment Functional Cost-Hour Report

Form Number DD Form 1921-5 –
Form Title Sustainment Functional Cost-Hour Report
Edition Date 12/1/2015
File Size 76 KB

What is a DD Form 1921-5?

A DD Form 1921-5 is a report used to track the sustainment costs of an organization. The form is used to track the hours spent on various activities, as well as the materials and equipment used. This information is then used to calculate the sustainment cost per hour. The form is also used to track the performance of an organization’s sustainment activities.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 1921-5?

The DD Form 1921-5 is a sustainment functional cost-hour report that is used to report the sustainment activities and costs of an organization. This form is available on the Department of Defense website.

DD Form 1921-5 – Sustainment Functional Cost-Hour Report

DD Form 1921-5 is used to report the sustainment functional cost and hours for a project. The form is divided into three sections: (1) System Information, (2) Functional Cost Data, and (3) Detailed Cost Data.

System Information includes the name and identification number of the system being reported on, as well as the dates of the reporting period.

Functional Cost Data includes information on the sustainment activities performed during the reporting period, such as system operation and maintenance, support services, training, and so forth. This section also includes the total cost and hours for each activity.

Detailed Cost Data provides more specific information on the individual costs incurred for each sustainment activity. This section can be used to identify trends or areas where costs are excessive.

DD Form 1921-5 Example

DD Form 1921-5