DD Form 2063 – Record of Preparation and Disposition of Remains (Contracted Mortuary Facility)

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2063 – Record of Preparation and Disposition of Remains (Contracted Mortuary Facility) – The DD Form 2063 is an important form used by the Department of Defense and contracted mortuary facilities to document the preparation and disposition of remains. The purpose of this form is to provide a record of all activities, from initial receipt of the decedent through interment or disposition.

Download DD Form 2063 – Record of Preparation and Disposition of Remains (Contracted Mortuary Facility)

Form Number DD Form 2063
Form Title Record of Preparation and Disposition of Remains (Contracted Mortuary Facility)
Edition Date 9/1/2017
File Size 176 KB

DD FORM 2063 (1 download )

What is a DD Form 2063?

DD Form 2063 is a United States Department of Defense document used by contracted mortuary facilities to record the preparation and disposition of human remains, such as coffins and caskets. It is also used in situations when the U.S. government receives sight-unseen remains from foreign government organizations, or when remains are transferred from one mortuary facility to another. The form lists information such as name, date of death, place of death, receipt date, disposition date, and other details related to the preparation and disposition of the body. The form must be signed off by both contracting parties before it can be completed.

The DD Form 2063 provides an important record for both contracting parties involved in the transfer or disposal of human remains. It ensures that all parties involved are aware of their responsibilities regarding the handling and final disposition of human remains; it also serves as proof that all contractual obligations have been met with regard to preparing a decedent for burial, cremation, or transporting them from one location to another. Additionally, this form serves as legal documentation should any disputes arise between the contractor and family members over the handling or final disposition of human remains after death has occurred.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2063?

The DD Form 2063 is available through the Department of Defense (DoD) website. The form can be downloaded directly from the website or can be requested by mail. It is important to note that the form must be filled out and signed by a mortuary officer before it can be submitted to the DoD. Additionally, this form must also be completed and signed by a medical service officer if the cause of death was due to natural causes or illness.

Once prepared, this form should then be sent to the appropriate Military Mortuary Affairs Office (MMAO) in order for them to begin processing and making arrangements for the final disposition of remains. The MMAO will then use the information on the DD Form 2063 to issue orders for transportation, burial, or cremation services, as well as any other related services or documents needed for completing final arrangements. Additionally, this form may also serve as an authorization letter that allows mortuaries to release remains back into family custody after completion of processing.

DD Form 2063 – Record of Preparation and Disposition of Remains (Contracted Mortuary Facility)

The DD Form 2063 is a record of the preparation and disposition of remains at contracted mortuary facilities. It serves as an informational document for the contracting officer to ensure that all services rendered during the preparation, transport, and interment of deceased personnel are completed in accordance with contractual terms. This form documents the condition of the body upon receipt, any embalming/cremation/burial services provided, and any other associated costs or fees. It also includes a statement from the contracting officer affirming that appropriate services were performed by the contracted mortuary facility. The information on this form is important in ensuring proper accountability for all services rendered by contractors under DoD contracts.

In addition to providing detailed records regarding mortality services, DD Form 2063 can also be used as evidence in death investigations or legal proceedings related to contract compliance. The form includes sworn statements from both contracting officers and representatives at the mortuary facility which can provide key evidence when investigating potential contract irregularities. It also provides documentation that can be used to verify proper payment for mortality-related services rendered pursuant to a DoD contract. In this way, it serves an invaluable purpose in maintaining accountability and integrity within DoD contracts related to mortality services provided through contracted facilities.

DD Form 2063 Example

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