DD Form 2086-2 – Freedom of Information (FOI) Consultation and Request Summary

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2086-2 – Freedom of Information (FOI) Consultation and Request Summary – The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a powerful tool for citizens to obtain records from the federal government. It is important to understand how to properly file a Freedom of Information Act request in order to ensure that your request is processed efficiently and accurately. The DD Form 2086-2 is an important part of this process, as it serves as a summary of the consultation and request made under FOIA.

Download DD Form 2086-2 – Freedom of Information (FOI) Consultation and Request Summary

DD FORM 2086-2 (2 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2086-2?

DD Form 2086-2 is a form used to request information from the United States Department of Defense (DOD). The form is typically used by individuals seeking information about their own military service records, such as discharge papers or medical records, or other official documents such as reports and correspondence. It also provides a means for organizations to request general information about defense programs and policies. This form serves as an entry point for individuals who wish to make Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests in order to obtain access to DOD records.

The DD Form 2086-2 consists of six sections that provide instructions on how to make a FOIA request: Section 1 asks the requester for contact and other general information; Section 2 requests specific types of documents; Section 3 allows the requester to indicate any additional search terms; Section 4 provides instructions for mailing the completed form; Sections 5 and 6 provide space for special procedures, fees, and waivers associated with the FOIA request. Once all sections are filled out, along with any attachments required by law or requested by DOD personnel, then they can be submitted through mail or email. Upon receipt of this form, agency staff will review it and determine whether any fees need to be paid before releasing the requested documents.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2086-2?

The DD Form 2086-2 is available through the Defense Freedom of Information Office (DFOIO) website. It is a form that must be completed when submitting a FOIA request, and provides a summary of the request that has been made and any consultation with other agencies, if applicable. The form should be printed or downloaded from the DFOIO website and sent to their office via mail or email.
Once received, they will review the information provided and contact you with further instructions on how to proceed with your request. Additionally, copies of the DD Form 2086-2 can also be obtained from local military installations or from National Guard offices. It is important to note that any requested documents must be submitted along with a copy of this form in order for them to consider your FOIA request for processing.

DD Form 2086-2 – Freedom of Information (FOI) Consultation and Request Summary

DD Form 2086-2 is a document used by federal agencies to track consultation and request summaries related to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests. The form includes information such as the subject of the request, who requested it, when it was received, how much time was spent on research and consultation related to the request, as well as if any fees were incurred. This form helps agencies track their FOI requests so that they can better manage their workloads and improve customer service.

The DD Form 2086-2 is used by federal agencies whenever they receive an FOI request from an individual or organization. It should be filled out with all relevant information regarding the requestor, including contact details and specific information about what type of records are being requested. Once completed, this form is sent back to the requesting party for review and approval before processing begins. It also serves as a record for future reference in case there are any disputes over the nature or outcome of a particular FOI request.

The DD Form 2086-2 helps ensure transparency between individuals or organizations making an FOI inquiry and federal agencies responding to them. By providing detailed information about each request, federal agencies can more easily respond in an efficient manner while still adhering to applicable laws and regulations governing access to public records.

DD Form 2086-2 Example

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