DD Form 2086 – Freedom of Information (FOI) Processing Cost

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2086 – Freedom of Information (FOI) Processing Cost – The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a critical tool for citizens to access important government information. This law requires government agencies to provide requested records or documents to the public upon request. To ensure compliance with FOIA, the United States Department of Defense has created the DD Form 2086 – Freedom of Information Processing Cost. This form outlines the costs associated with processing a FOIA request and provides information on how much an individual may be required to pay for a given request.

Download DD Form 2086 – Freedom of Information (FOI) Processing Cost

Form Number DD Form 2086
Form Title Freedom of Information (FOI) Processing Cost
Edition Date 8/8/2019
File Size 83 KB

DD FORM 2086 (3 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2086?

DD Form 2086, or the Freedom of Information Processing Cost form, is a document used by the Department of Defense (DoD) when there are costs associated with processing and fulfilling requests for records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This form is completed by DoD personnel who will be assigned to process a specific FOIA request. It identifies any anticipated costs that will be incurred in order to search for and/or copy records that have been requested.

The form also outlines additional charges, such as labor rates and documentary reproduction fees. Once it’s completed and signed by an authorized official, it can then be submitted to the requester so they can review and accept or reject the offer. If accepted, payment must then be made before records are released to the requester. DD Form 2086 serves as an acknowledgment between both parties regarding cost estimates for FOIA requests from DoD personnel.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2086?

The DD Form 2086 is available on the Department of Defense (DoD) website. It can be accessed directly through the DoD’s FOIA/PA Request Form page or by entering ‘DD Form 2086’ into the search bar. Once on the page, users can download and print out a blank version of the form. The DD Form 2086 must be filled out completely and accurately in order to ensure that all necessary information is included when submitting an FOI request.

Additionally, it is important to note that there are fees associated with FOI processing costs; these fees must also be included with any FOI request submission. To ensure proper payment for processing costs, users should pay attention to instructions on how to properly fill out and submit their forms, as well as any accompanying documents that may need to be attached. Following these guidelines will help ensure an expeditious review process and timely response from DoD personnel regarding their requests.

DD Form 2086 – Freedom of Information (FOI) Processing Cost

The DD Form 2086 is a document used to calculate the cost associated with processing Freedom of Information (FOI) requests. The form allows agencies to estimate how many personnel hours and other resources will be required to process the request, as well as any applicable fees. It also helps agencies determine if they need to charge additional fees for records search, review, duplication, or other services. The form should be filled out in its entirety and submitted along with an FOI request in order for it to be processed correctly.

Once the form is completed and submitted, the agency can then determine whether or not it can accept payment for FOI requests and decide on a reasonable fee amount based on their estimated costs. They also have the option of waiving all or part of the fee if they deem it necessary. Additionally, agencies may offer discounted rates depending on certain criteria such as whether or not there is an educational purpose for making the request.

Overall, filling out DD Form 2086 is an important step in FOI processing that helps ensure accuracy and transparency when calculating associated costs with FOIA requests. By taking this extra step prior to submitting a request, requesters can avoid unnecessary delays when obtaining information from government entities.

DD Form 2086 Example

DD Form 2086