DD Form 2088 – Statement of Ecclesiastical Endorsement

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 2088 – Statement of Ecclesiastical Endorsement – The DD Form 2088 is an official document from the United States government that proves that a church or religious organization endorses a candidate for office. The form is completed by the clergy of the religious organization and must be submitted to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) no later than 90 days after the election in which the endorsement was made.

Download DD Form 2088 – Statement of Ecclesiastical Endorsement

Form Number DD Form 2088 –
Form Title Statement of Ecclesiastical Endorsement
Edition Date 1/11/2019
File Size 61 KB

DD FORM 2088 (3 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2088?

A DD Form 2088, also known as a Statement of Ecclesiastical Endorsement, is a form filled out by an ecclesiastical endorser to provide evidence of an individual’s connection to the religious organization they are associated with. This document provides a statement from the religious group or church that attests to the applicant’s standing and participation in the church. The purpose of this endorsement is to ensure that those who enlist in military service have strong spiritual support and commitment from their home-based religious organizations. It also serves as verification that those joining the armed forces are morally sound individuals who possess positive attitudes and values.

Furthermore, it helps identify whether an applicant has been formally charged with any moral transgressions or disciplinary actions within their faith community. In addition, it allows for more efficient communication between military chaplains and clergy in order to better serve members of the armed services. The DD Form 2088 must be completed on behalf of anyone applying for Commissioned Officer Status in any branch of service within the United States Military.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2088?

The DD Form 2088, Statement of Ecclesiastical Endorsement, is the official form published by the Department of Defense (DoD) to provide proof of religious preference. The form is used to document an individual’s ecclesiastical endorsement from their religious organization and must be completed by a qualified endorsing agent prior to enlistment or commissioning into military service. It can be found on the DoD website, along with instructions for completing it, at https://ddforms.org/. Additionally, service members can request a copy of this form in person from their local recruiter’s office. For those wishing to fill out and submit the form electronically, it can also be downloaded from the eForms section on the U.S. Army Recruiting Command’s website at https://ddforms.org/. Finally, many military installations have copies available for pick up at their chaplains’ offices or personnel support centers as well as in some legal offices on post or base-wide libraries that may also have physical copies available for use on-site if needed.

DD Form 2088 – Statement of Ecclesiastical Endorsement

DD Form 2088, the Statement of Ecclesiastical Endorsement, is issued by the Department of Defense to endorse an applicant for ministry in a faith community. It provides confirmation that the individual has been found qualified and suitable for ministry within their faith, as well as any additional qualifications they may have obtained. The endorsement process requires a thorough review of documents pertaining to the applicant’s religious background, education, training, and experience, as well as an interview with certified religious endorsers. The DD Form 2088 also serves to authorize chaplaincy students to participate in activities associated with their field of study. Additionally, it allows military members who are ordained or endorsed by a recognized religion to perform sacramental duties while on active duty status. Ultimately this form certifies that an individual is fit to serve as a Chaplain or Religious Affairs Specialist within their respective branch of service.

DD Form 2088 Example

DD Form 2088