DD Form 220 – Active Duty Report

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 220 – Active Duty Report – DD Form 220, also known as the Active Duty Report, is an important document for members of all branches of the United States Armed Forces. It serves as documentation to prove current active duty status or past active duty service. The form is required when applying for certain benefits such as retirement, veterans’ preference, and medical benefits. DD Form 220 is also a valuable tool in verifying military personnel records, both past, and present.

Download DD Form 220 – Active Duty Report

Form Number DD Form 220
Form Title Active Duty Report
Edition Date 8/3/2018
File Size 3 MB

DD FORM 220 (20 downloads )

What is a DD Form 220?

A DD Form 220, or Active Duty Report, is an important legal document filled out by members of the United States military upon release from active duty. The form is beneficial to servicemembers in that it provides verifiable proof of their service period and accomplishments while they were on active duty. It also serves as a reference document for official records and can be used to obtain veteran benefits or access to other services.

The information provided on the DD Form 220 includes details such as the servicemember’s rank, date of entry into active duty, date of separation from active duty, and the total number of days served during the enlistment period. There are additional fields for listing awards and decorations earned during service; however, these are optional.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 220?

DD Form 220 is an important form for members of the United States military who are on active duty. Those in service must complete this form to report any changes that occur during their active period. But where can one find a DD Form 220?

The official source for obtaining a DD Form 220 is the Department of Defense website. The current version of the form can be found on their website and downloaded as either a PDF document or a Word file. It is important to use the most recent version when filling out the document, as previous versions may not be accepted.

In addition to downloading it online, military personnel can contact their unit command and request a blank copy of the DD Form 220 directly from them as well. This could be even faster than downloading it from the web if there are no other forms that need to be filled out beforehand.

DD Form 220 – Active Duty Report

The DD Form 220, also known as the Active Duty Report, is an essential document for service members that are transitioning from active duty to reserve status. It helps ensure that a service member’s records are up-to-date and accurate by verifying their military service history. The form must be completed by all military personnel who have separated or retired from active duty in order to be eligible for benefits such as disability compensation, VA home loans, and other veteran benefits.

The DD Form 220 has been around since the early 1970s and is used to document a service member’s complete period of active duty or full-time training or education in the armed forces. The form includes information such as name, rank, branch of service, and dates of entry into active duty and separation from it.

DD Form 220 Example

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