DD Form 2266 – Hometown News Release Information

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 2266 – Hometown News Release Information – The DD Form 2266, also known as the Hometown News Release Information form, is an essential document for members of the military. This form provides permission to release information about a service member’s accomplishments and activities to their hometown news outlets. It also allows a service member to provide guidance on what type of information can be shared with their local media. For service members looking to share their accomplishments and experiences with their communities, this form is an invaluable tool.

Download DD Form 2266 – Hometown News Release Information

Form Number DD Form 2266
Form Title Hometown News Release Information
Edition Date 6/1/1995
File Size 2 MB

DD FORM 2266 (19 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2266?

What is a DD Form 2266? The DD Form 2266, otherwise known as the Hometown News Release Information, is an important form for members of the military. This form allows them to provide their local newspapers and other media outlets with information about their service in the military. It can include details such as awards earned, promotions received, and deployment dates. By submitting this form, members of the military will be able to share their accomplishments with their hometown communities.

The DD Form 2266 must be filled out accurately and completely by the member of the military who wishes to have their news released. They should also make sure that it contains all personal information that could help verify identity for legal purposes. Once completed, the form should be sent directly to the unit’s Public Affairs Office.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2266?

DD Form 2266, also known as the Hometown News Release Information, is an important form for those in the United States military. It provides information to media outlets about service members and their families that can be used for news stories or feature articles. But where can you find a DD Form 2266?

The first place to look is online. The Department of Defense website has an official version of the form available for download from its website. Additionally, many state websites have the form available for download too. These forms are typically in .pdf format and easy to fill out using various computer programs or by hand if needed.

If you need help finding a DD Form 2266, there are resources available to help you too.

DD Form 2266 – Hometown News Release Information

DD Form 2266 is an important form for service members of the military. It outlines the information that should be provided to hometown news sources about a service member’s current deployments and assignments. This form ensures that hometown news services are able to keep their readers informed about where and when their local heroes are serving. By filling out this form, service members can help ensure their families, friends, and communities stay up-to-date with their activities while they are away from home.

The DD Form 2266 is used by the Department of Defense (DoD) public affairs office to facilitate communication between deployed troops and the public in order to promote morale and pride in those serving overseas. The form must be completed by both family members or close friends of the individual being deployed as well as by personnel at a DoD installation prior to deployment or relocation.

DD Form 2266 Example

DD Form 2266