DD Form 2345 – Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 2345 – Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement – The DD Form 2345, otherwise known as the Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement, is a critical component in the US Department of Defense (DoD) supply chain. It is used to ensure that technology and technical data remain secure while allowing access to those who need it. As technology becomes more advanced, the security of such materials must remain at its highest level. The DD Form 2345 is one tool that helps make sure this happens.

Download DD Form 2345 – Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement

Form Number DD Form 2345
Form Title Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement
Edition Date 10/1/2022
File Size 60 KB

DD FORM 2345 (17 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2345?

DD Form 2345 is an important document for members of the United States military. It is also known as the Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement, and it seeks to protect sensitive information related to military operations and technology. The form serves two primary purposes: to protect unclassified technical data that have potential military applications and to ensure that such data will not be disclosed to unauthorized individuals or organizations.

The agreement must be signed by anyone who wishes to access the data in question; this includes both service personnel and private contractors who are working with the Department of Defense. It requires them to acknowledge a set of restrictions that are outlined on the form; these include a commitment not to give any details about the materials they have seen or copied, even after their contractual relationship has ended. Additionally, signers must state their understanding that violations of these restrictions could lead to criminal prosecution.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2345?

If you’re looking for a DD Form 2345, also known as a Military Critical Technical Data Agreement, you may have come across a few roadblocks. This form is not available on the Department of Defense’s official website, so where can you find it?

The answer lies in the DoD’s Information Technology Exchange Program (DITEP). DITEP is an online repository of forms related to military technology and development efforts. Through DITEP, organizations can access the DD Form 2345 and other documents related to military technology transfer. The form must be signed by both parties in order to be valid and accepted by the DoD. It is essential that all information included on this form is accurate and up-to-date to ensure compliance with DoD regulations.

DD Form 2345 – Militarily Critical Technical Data Agreement

The DD Form 2345 is an important form used by the Department of Defense (DoD) to regulate access to militarily critical technical data. This form is required for contractors or other organizations that require access to such information. The goal of this agreement is to protect the integrity and security of sensitive military data, which could potentially be used for malicious purposes if not properly regulated.

When an organization requests access to militarily critical technical data, it must submit a DD Form 2345. This document outlines what type of information can be accessed, how it will be used, and any restrictions placed on its use. It also requires the contractor or organization to comply with certain security measures in order to protect the integrity of the data. By signing this agreement, both parties agree that any breach in security could result in financial penalties or even criminal prosecution.

DD Form 2345 Example

DD Form 2345