DD Form 2464 – Report of Foundation and Borrow Investigation

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2464 – Report of Foundation and Borrow Investigation – The DD Form 2464, also known as the Report of Foundation and Borrow Investigation, is a form used within the Department of Defense to document the process of verifying and validating the eligibility of a loan applicant. This form is essential in ensuring that loan applicants meet all requirements and criteria set forth by the Department of Defense.

Download DD Form 2464 – Report of Foundation and Borrow Investigation

Form Number DD Form 2464
Form Title Report of Foundation and Borrow Investigation
Edition Date 12/1/1999
File Size 41 KB

DD FORM 2464 (3 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2464?

A DD Form 2464 is a report that is used by the Department of Defense to document foundation and borrow investigations. These investigations are conducted when there is a need to determine the suitability of soil or rock formations for use as a foundation for structures, roads, or other infrastructure. The report includes information such as the location of the investigation site, the type of soil or rock encountered during drilling, and any issues that were discovered during the investigation.

The purpose of a foundation and borrow investigation is to ensure that any structure built on top of the soil or rock formation will be stable and secure. This type of investigation typically involves drilling boreholes at various locations around the site and collecting samples for analysis in a laboratory. The results of these tests are then used to determine whether additional measures, such as deep foundations or ground improvement techniques, will be needed to support the structure.

Overall, a DD Form 2464 plays an important role in ensuring that construction projects on military installations meet high standards for safety and durability. By documenting each step of the foundation and borrow investigation process, this form helps engineers make informed decisions about how best to build structures that can withstand even extreme environmental conditions.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2464?

DD Form 2464 is a critical document that the U.S. Department of Defense uses to report foundation and borrow investigations. As such, it requires accurate filling for accountability purposes. However, finding this form can be challenging for many individuals as it is not readily available on the internet or at local stores.

One of the best ways to obtain DD Form 2464 is by visiting your nearest military base or installation. These facilities usually keep an archive of essential documents like the DD Form 2464, which may come in handy for anyone seeking its services.

Alternatively, you could contact your local government officials who deal with defense matters and request assistance in acquiring a copy of this form. They may have access to relevant resources that could help you obtain the required document with ease.

DD Form 2464 – Report of Foundation and Borrow Investigation

The DD Form 2464 is a report that provides information on the foundation and borrows materials used in construction projects. This form is typically used by government agencies for construction projects funded with taxpayer money. The report includes details on the location of the project, the type of soil or rock encountered during excavation and construction, and whether any subsurface conditions were encountered.

The foundation investigation portion of the report outlines how deep foundations should be set based on soil type and bearing capacity, while also detailing any potential issues such as swelling or liquefaction. The borrow investigation portion of the report identifies areas where material can be obtained for use in construction, including details on testing to ensure suitability for use.

Overall, the DD Form 2464 provides a comprehensive overview of important factors to consider when completing a construction project. It is an essential tool for ensuring that taxpayer dollars are used efficiently and effectively while also ensuring safety and structural integrity in all aspects of a building’s foundation.

DD Form 2464 Example

DD Form 2464