DD Form 2558 – Authorization to Start, Stop, or Change an Allotment

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2558 – Authorization to Start, Stop, or Change an Allotment – The DD Form 2558 is an important document for anyone who receives an allotment from the military. This form is used to authorize a start, stop, or change in the allotment amount. It is a critical tool that allows service member to control their finances and keep their funds secure. For those new to the process of allocating funds, understanding and completing the DD Form 2558 can be daunting.

Download DD Form 2558 – Authorization to Start, Stop, or Change an Allotment

Form Number DD Form 2558
Form Title Authorization to Start, Stop, or Change an Allotment
Edition Date 12/1/2017
File Size 62 KB

DD FORM 2558 (8 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2558?

A DD Form 2558 is an official document used by the United States Department of Defense to authorize the start, stop, or change of a military allotment. An allotment is a payment from a service member’s salary that goes into another account for specific purposes such as savings plans, investments, and payments for life insurance premiums.

The DD Form 2558 provides detailed instructions on how to properly fill out the form and submit it for approval. It also outlines what information must be provided in order for the allotment request to be processed correctly. This includes details about the service member’s name, rank, a branch of service, the effective date of the allotment request, type of allotment being requested (start/stop/change), amount of money to be allotted each month, and information regarding any additional funds that may be transferred into or out of this account at any time.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2558?

DD Form 2558 is an authorization form used by the Department of Defense (DoD) when a service member wishes to start, stop, or change an allotment. An allotment is a payment made to certain individuals or organizations that are taken out of the service member’s paychecks automatically. DD Form 2558 must be filled out in order for the DoD to process the requested changes and keep accurate records.

The form can be found online on various websites such as The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) and the Department of Defense website, where copies can be downloaded for free in PDF format. It’s also available from your local military installation personnel office or finance office, where it can be completed on-site with assistance from a staff member if needed.

DD Form 2558 – Authorization to Start, Stop, or Change an Allotment

Do you need to start, stop, or change your military allotment? The DD Form 2558 is the form used for such authorization. This document helps keep track of all transactions related to your allotment in a secure manner.

An allotment is an amount of money taken out of a military member’s pay and set aside for specific purposes. The most common reasons for setting up an allotment are to pay off debts or build up savings. To begin, stop, or make changes to an existing allotment, service members must submit the DD Form 2558 – Authorization to Start, Stop, or Change an Allotment. It must be signed by both the person making the request and their commander or designated personnel officer.

The form also requires information regarding any current obligations that need to be paid off with this new allotment if applicable.

DD Form 2558 Example

DD Form 2558