DD Form 2579 – Small Business Coordination Record

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2579 – Small Business Coordination Record – If you’re a small business owner looking to work with the government, then it’s essential that you understand DD Form 2579 – Small Business Coordination Record. This form is used by federal agencies to keep track of their interactions with small businesses and ensure that they are meeting their small business contracting goals.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what DD Form 2579 is, why it matters to your small business, and how you can use it to your advantage. By understanding this important document, you’ll be better equipped to navigate the world of government contracting and secure more opportunities for your business.

Download DD Form 2579 – Small Business Coordination Record

Form Number DD Form 2579
Form Title Small Business Coordination Record
Edition Date 8/1/2015
File Size 130 KB

DD Form 2579 (12 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2579?

A DD Form 2579 is a Small Business Coordination Record that the Department of Defense (DoD) uses to maintain records and data on small businesses. Any prime contractor or subcontractor doing business with the DoD must complete this form when they enter a contract exceeding $700,000 ($1.5 million for construction). This form helps policymakers to evaluate the effectiveness of programs designed to promote small businesses participation in government contracting.

The DD Form 2579 provides critical information about small businesses that participate in DoD contracts as it contains data about their size, location, ownership status, and performance ratings. The information provided on this form allows policymakers to determine whether the DoD is meeting its goals for awarding contracts to small businesses. The results are reported annually in the Small Business Goaling Report, which tracks progress towards annual goals set by Congress for federal contracting opportunities awarded to small businesses.

In conclusion, completing a DD Form 2579 can be a vital step for contractors seeking business with the DoD. It is an essential tool used by policymakers who want to ensure that small businesses receive more opportunities for government contracting and ultimately drive growth within local communities and industries.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2579?

Small businesses play a critical role in the growth of economies across the globe, and governments have been implementing policies to support their development for years. One such policy is the Small Business Coordination Record (DD Form 2579), which is mandatory for all federal government procurements over $10,000 that are not set aside for small businesses.

To obtain a DD Form 2579, small business owners can visit various online portals such as defense.gov or dla.mil. These websites provide access to an electronic version of the form that can be filled out and submitted online. Alternatively, they can contact their local Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) office or Small Business Administration (SBA) district office for assistance.

It’s important to note that while obtaining a DD Form 2579 may seem like an administrative task, it can open up significant opportunities for small businesses to compete in government contracts. By filling out this form accurately and completely, small business owners will be able to demonstrate their capabilities and connect with relevant agencies looking to source services from them.

DD Form 2579 – Small Business Coordination Record

The DD Form 2579, also known as the Small Business Coordination Record, is an essential document that plays a critical role in assisting small businesses to secure federal contracts. This form is mandatory and must be completed by all organizations seeking to participate in government contracting programs. The purpose of the form is to allow the Small Business Administration (SBA) to identify potential small businesses for procurement opportunities.

The DD Form 2579 establishes a platform for communication between various departments within the government that are responsible for managing acquisitions. It enables these departments to notify small businesses of contracting opportunities and provide them with the necessary information required to participate in bidding processes. By completing this form, small businesses can connect with prime contractors and identify subcontracting opportunities.

Overall, the DD Form 2579 serves as a vital tool for facilitating coordination between small businesses and government agencies. It streamlines procurement processes, enhances transparency in contract awarding procedures, and promotes growth opportunities for small companies. Therefore, it is imperative that eligible entities complete this form accurately and timely so they can take advantage of available contracting opportunities offered by the US government.

DD Form 2579 Example

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