DD Form 2702 – Court-Martial Information for Victims and Witnesses of Crime

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2702 – Court-Martial Information for Victims and Witnesses of Crime – Court-martial proceedings can be extremely traumatic for victims and witnesses of crime. To help ensure that these individuals are as comfortable as possible during the proceedings, the military has developed a form known as DD Form 2702.

Download DD Form 2702 – Court-Martial Information for Victims and Witnesses of Crime

Form Number DD Form 2702
Form Title Court-Martial Information for Victims and Witnesses of Crime
Edition Date 10/21/2022
File Size 764 KB

DD Form 2702 (3 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2702?

DD Form 2702 is a Department of Defense form used to collect information from victims and witnesses of crime in preparation for court-martial proceedings. The form is designed to ensure that victims and witnesses are provided with the necessary support and resources during the legal process. It also aims to safeguard their rights as outlined by the Victims’ Rights and Restitution Act.

The DD Form 2702 collects personal data, such as name, contact information, and demographic details like age, gender, race, etc. It also includes a section where individuals can provide additional information about the crime they witnessed or experienced. The form is required to be filled out accurately and completely in order for the victim or witness to be eligible for certain rights such as notification of court proceedings.

Additionally, this form serves as a tool for military law enforcement personnel who may need to contact victims or witnesses at any point during investigations or legal proceedings. Having all relevant information readily available on one document, it helps streamline communication between all parties involved in the case. Overall, DD Form 2702 plays an important role in ensuring justice is served while protecting the rights of those directly impacted by criminal activity within military communities.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2702?

If you’re looking for a DD Form 2702, chances are you’ve been a victim or witness of a crime in relation to military service. The form is used to gather information from the victim or witness that will be used during court-martial proceedings. It’s important to note that this form is not available online and can only be obtained through military channels.

One way to obtain a DD Form 2702 is by contacting your local installation’s legal office. They should have copies of the form on hand and can guide you through the process of filling it out. If you’re unable to visit the legal office in person, they may also be able to send the form via mail or email.

Another option is reaching out to your unit’s Victim Advocate (VA). VAs are trained professionals who provide support and resources for victims of crime within the military community. They should be familiar with the DD Form 2702 and can assist in obtaining it as well as providing additional support throughout the legal process.

DD Form 2702 – Court-Martial Information for Victims and Witnesses of Crime

DD Form 2702 is a vital document that pertains to victims and witnesses of crimes in the military. It provides them with extensive information about court-martial proceedings, such as the right to attend, legal representation, and protection from retaliation. The form aims to make sure that victims and witnesses are well-informed throughout the entire process.

The DD Form 2702 is an essential part of ensuring that justice is served for these individuals who have been affected by crime in the military setting. This document also outlines what kind of support services are available for victims, such as counseling or medical care. It’s important for those involved in court-martial proceedings to understand their rights so they can feel empowered and confident during what can be a very stressful time. By providing this information through DD Form 2702, the military ensures that victims and witnesses are treated fairly with respect to their dignity, safety, and privacy.

DD Form 2702 Example

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