DD Form 2717 – Department of Defense Voluntary/Involuntary Appellate Leave Action

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2717 – Department of Defense Voluntary/Involuntary Appellate Leave Action – The Department of Defense (DoD) offers a voluntary or involuntary appellate leave action through DD Form 2717. This form is used to grant military members time off from duty for the purpose of appealing a court-martial conviction. Completion of this form allows for a member to remain in active duty status while appealing their case. It is important to note that the decision to grant an appellate leave action rests with the commanding officer and ultimately, the Secretary of Defense.

Download DD Form 2717 – Department of Defense Voluntary/Involuntary Appellate Leave Action

Form Number DD Form 2717
Form Title Department of Defense Voluntary/Involuntary Appellate Leave Action
Edition Date 11/15/2022
File Size 55 KB

DD Form 2717 (7 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2717?

A DD Form 2717 is a Department of Defense (DoD) document that is used to request voluntary or involuntary appellate leave. This form is typically used by military personnel who wish to appeal a decision made by their commanding officer or to request leave for other reasons. The form includes detailed instructions on how to fill it out and what information needs to be included.

One of the key features of DD Form 2717 is that it allows military personnel to request appellate leave without fear of retribution from their superiors. This ensures that all members of the military have access to fair and impartial appeals processes, regardless of their rank or position within the chain of command.

For those seeking appellate leave using this form, it’s important to note that there are specific deadlines and procedures that must be followed in order for an appeal to be considered. Additionally, any supporting documentation or evidence should also be included with the form in order to strengthen one’s case during the appeals process.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2717?

If you are looking for a DD Form 2717, there are several places where you can access it. One of the easiest ways to obtain the document is through the official website of the Department of Defense. You can download a printable version of the form from their website and fill it out manually.

Alternatively, you may be able to get a copy of DD Form 2717 from your commanding officer or human resources department if you are currently serving in the military. They should have access to all necessary forms and be able to provide assistance with any questions or concerns that you may have.

Lastly, if you still cannot find this form after searching on your own, consider contacting a legal professional who specializes in military law for assistance. They will likely have experience working with DD Form 2717 and can help guide you through the process.

DD Form 2717 – Department of Defense Voluntary/Involuntary Appellate Leave Action

DD Form 2717 is used by Department of Defense (DoD) employees who wish to appeal a voluntary or involuntary leave action. This may include appealing a decision for disciplinary action, medical leave, or other types of leave. The form must be completed within a certain timeframe and submitted to the appropriate personnel office.

The form requires the employee to provide detailed information about the leave action being appealed, as well as any supporting documentation that may be relevant to the case. It also requires the employee’s signature and acknowledgment of their understanding of the appeals process.

Once submitted, the appeals process can take several weeks or months to complete. During this time, it is important for employees to continue following their supervisor’s instructions regarding any remaining work responsibilities and obligations. The outcome of the appeal will determine whether or not the employee is able to return to work under normal conditions.

DD Form 2717 Example

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