DD Form 2788 – Child Annuitant’s School Certification

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 2788 – Child Annuitant’s School Certification – Child annuitants are relatives or guardians of children who have reached the age of 18 and are no longer attending school. They may certify that the child is in full-time education by completing and signing DD Form 2788. This form can be used to claim tax benefits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Additional Child Tax Credit.

Download DD Form 2788 – Child Annuitant’s School Certification

Form Number DD Form 2788
Form Title Child Annuitant’s School Certification
Edition Date 4/1/2020
File Size 70 KB

DD Form 2788 (1 download )

What is a DD Form 2788?

The DD Form 2788 is a document used by the Department of Defense to determine a child’s eligibility for benefits under the Survivor Benefit Plan. Specifically, it is used to certify that a child between the ages of 18 and 22 who is enrolled in school or vocational training full-time is eligible for continued annuity payments. The form must be completed by the school registrar or other authorized official and submitted annually to ensure continued eligibility.

The form requires detailed information about the student, including their name, social security number, contact information, and enrollment status. It also asks for information about the school they are attending, including its name and address. In addition to certifying that the student is enrolled full-time in an accredited institution of higher education or vocational training program, the form also requires certification that they are making satisfactory academic progress.

It’s important to note that if a child fails to submit this form annually or if they drop below full-time enrollment status without prior authorization from their service member sponsor’s branch of service (such as due to illness or family emergency), their annuity payments may be discontinued until they reestablish eligibility through resubmitting the DD Form 2788.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2788?

If you’re in search of a DD Form 2788, the best place to start looking would be the Department of Defense’s website. There, you’ll find a blank copy of the form which can be downloaded and printed. Additionally, you can visit your local military installation’s Education Office or Family Readiness Center for assistance in obtaining a DD Form 2788.

Another option is to speak with your child’s school counselor or registrar. They might have experience filling out this form for other students and could provide guidance on how to complete it accurately. It’s important to note that not all schools are familiar with this particular form, so it may take some legwork on your part to ensure they understand its purpose.

Finally, if you’re still having difficulty finding a DD Form 2788 or are unsure how to fill it out properly, contacting the DFAS (Defense Finance and Accounting Service) directly might be helpful. Their customer service team should be able to assist with any questions or concerns related to annuity payments for children attending school full-time.

DD Form 2788 – Child Annuitant’s School Certification

DD Form 2788 is a document used to certify that a child annuitant has met the necessary requirements for continued eligibility for annuity payments. The form is commonly referred to as the “Child Annuitant’s School Certification” and it is typically completed by the educational institution that the child attends.

The purpose of this certification is to verify that the child annuitant is enrolled in school full-time and making satisfactory academic progress. This ensures that the child remains eligible for continued annuity payments until they reach age 18 or graduate from high school, whichever comes first.

The DD Form 2788 must be completed annually and submitted to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) by either the school or parent/guardian of the child annuitant. Failure to submit this form could result in the suspension of annuity payments, so it’s important to ensure timely submission each year.

DD Form 2788 Example

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