DD Form 2793 – Volunteer Agreement for Appropriated Fund Activities & Non-Appropriated Fund Instrumentalities

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2793 – Volunteer Agreement for Appropriated Fund Activities & Non-Appropriated Fund Instrumentalities – DD Form 2793 is a Volunteer Agreement for Appropriated Fund Activities & Non-Appropriated Fund Instrumentalities. This form is used by volunteers who wish to support military units and organizations, as well as their families, through various activities and events.

Volunteering can be a rewarding experience for individuals who want to give back to their communities and make a positive impact on the lives of others. DD Form 2793 outlines the terms and conditions that volunteers must agree to in order to participate in appropriated fund activities and non-appropriated fund instrumentalities. Whether you are a current or potential volunteer, understanding the purpose of this form will help you navigate the process with confidence.

Download DD Form 2793 – Volunteer Agreement for Appropriated Fund Activities & Non-Appropriated Fund Instrumentalities

Form Number DD Form 2793
Form Title Volunteer Agreement for Appropriated Fund Activities & Non-Appropriated Fund Instrumentalities
Edition Date 3/1/2018
File Size 69 KB

DD Form 2793 (0 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2793?

The DD Form 2793, also known as the Volunteer Agreement for Appropriated Fund Activities & Non-Appropriated Fund Instrumentalities, is a form that volunteers need to fill out before they can start volunteering for military activities or events. This document outlines the responsibilities of both parties involved in the agreement. The volunteer agrees to abide by all rules and regulations set forth by the military and will not be compensated for their time.

One important aspect outlined on the DD Form 2793 is liability insurance coverage. The form states that volunteers are not covered under any government-provided insurance policy while performing volunteer work. It’s important to note that volunteers may have personal insurance policies that could cover them in case of injury or accident.

In summary, if you’re interested in volunteering your time for military activities or events, it’s crucial to understand the implications of signing a DD Form 2793. This form ensures that both parties are aware of their responsibilities and liabilities during volunteer service.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2793?

DD Form 2793 is an important document for individuals who are interested in volunteering for appropriated fund activities and non-appropriated fund instrumentalities. This form serves as a volunteer agreement between the volunteer and the organization they are offering their services to. The DD Form 2793 outlines the terms and conditions of volunteering, including but not limited to work schedules, job descriptions, safety regulations, confidentiality agreements, and liability waivers.

To obtain a DD Form 2793, volunteers can visit their local military installation’s personnel office or human resources department. Alternatively, individuals can also download a copy of the form from various online sources such as the official website of the Department of Defense (DoD) or from other military organizations’ websites. Before filling out this form, it is essential that volunteers read through it carefully to ensure they fully understand its contents and requirements.

In summary, obtaining a DD Form 2793 is crucial for individuals who wish to volunteer their services within appropriated fund activities and non-appropriated fund instrumentalities. Volunteers can easily obtain this document by visiting their local military installation’s personnel office or downloading it online from reputable sources such as DoD’s official website or other military organizations’ websites.

DD Form 2793 – Volunteer Agreement for Appropriated Fund Activities & Non-Appropriated Fund Instrumentalities

The DD Form 2793 is a Volunteer Agreement for Appropriated Fund Activities and Non-Appropriated Fund Instrumentalities. It is the document that volunteers sign when they agree to work without compensation for an organization or activity. This form is required by law, and it helps ensure that volunteers understand their role in the organization and the responsibilities they are taking on.

The DD Form 2793 outlines the agreement between the volunteer and the organization, including details about training requirements, job duties, safety regulations, and liability coverage. The form also includes information about background checks and security clearances if necessary. By signing this document, volunteers acknowledge that they have read all of these provisions carefully and agree to abide by them.

Having a signed DD Form 2793 on file for each volunteer is essential for organizations as it protects both parties in legal matters. It also helps ensure that everyone involved with an event or project understands their role clearly, leading to smoother operations overall. In conclusion, while it may seem like a small detail, a properly completed DD Form 2793 can go a long way toward ensuring successful volunteer programs.

DD Form 2793 Example

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