DD Form 2830 – General Talent Release

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2830 – General Talent Release – DD Form 2830, also known as the General Talent Release form, is a crucial document that allows the Department of Defense (DoD) to use an individual’s voice, image, or likeness for various purposes. This form is mandatory for all individuals willing to participate in any DoD-related project, from commercials and movies to training videos and public service announcements.

The General Talent Release form outlines the terms and conditions of using an individual’s talent by the DoD and ensures that both parties understand their rights and responsibilities. It also protects the DoD against any lawsuits or legal issues that may arise due to the unauthorized use of talent.

Download DD Form 2830 – General Talent Release

Form Number
Form Title
Edition Date 10/1/2000
File Size 30 KB

DD Form 2830 (12 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2830?

A DD Form 2830 is a General Talent Release form used by the Department of Defense (DoD) to obtain permission from individuals to use their image, voice, and likeness in various forms of media. The form requires the individual to sign and date it, giving the DoD authorization to use their talent for a specific purpose, such as advertising or public relations campaigns.

The DD Form 2830 also details how the individual’s talent will be used, including any limitations or restrictions on its usage. It also includes information about compensation for using their talent, if applicable.

It’s important to note that this form is not just limited to military personnel but can be used for anyone who provides talent services which include actors, models, and performers, among others. The DD Form 2830 ensures that proper consent is obtained before using someone’s likeness in any media representation for the Department of Defense.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2830?

DD Form 2830 is a General Talent Release form by the United States Department of Defense. It is an important document that allows the government to use any footage or images of an individual for military purposes, such as training videos or public affairs materials. If you are someone who has been asked to sign this form, you must locate it and complete it properly.

One option for finding a DD Form 2830 is through your local military installation’s legal office. They should have copies available and can guide you on filling out the form correctly. Another option is to search online for the form and print it from a reputable website such as the official Department of Defense forms website.

It’s important to note that individuals should not sign any release forms without understanding what they are signing. If you have questions about the form or its purpose, seek clarification before signing anything. Additionally, be sure to keep a copy of the completed form for your records in case there are any issues related to your image or footage usage.

DD Form 2830 – General Talent Release

DD Form 2830 is a general talent release form used by the Department of Defense (DoD) to obtain permission from service members, civilian employees, and their families to use their names, photographs, and other personal information for public affairs. This form is an essential tool for the military, allowing them to showcase their work through various media outlets. By signing this form, individuals give the DoD permission to use their images and other information in news stories, social media posts, or any other publication.

The DD Form 2830 includes several sections where individuals can provide more specific permissions or restrictions on how their images are used. For example, individuals may choose different categories such as “news,” “training,” or “public relations” to indicate how they want their image used. The form also has a section where individuals can identify any limitations on how their image is used, such as not being identified by name or having no identifying marks visible in photographs.

In conclusion, DD Form 2830 General Talent Release is an important part of public affairs for the military. It enables them to effectively inform and educate both military personnel and civilians about what they do through various mediums while respecting the privacy rights of those who serve our country.

DD Form 2830 Example

DD Form 2830