DD Form 2833 – Release Granting the U.S. Government Permission to Record and Reproduce Program Material Transmitted by Educational or Commercial Broadcast Stations

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2833 – Release Granting the U.S. Government Permission to Record and Reproduce Program Material Transmitted by Educational or Commercial Broadcast Stations – DD Form 2833 is an important document that grants the U.S. government permission to record and reproduce program material transmitted by educational or commercial broadcast stations. The form serves as a legal agreement between the broadcaster and the government, outlining specific terms and conditions under which recordings may be made.

In recent years, there has been increasing interest in DD Form 2833 among broadcasters, educators, and others involved in the transmission of program material over public airwaves. As such, it is important to understand what this form entails and how it impacts those who operate within its scope. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of DD Form 2833, examining its purpose, requirements, and key considerations for those seeking to navigate its provisions.

Download DD Form 2833 – Release Granting the U.S. Government Permission to Record and Reproduce Program Material Transmitted by Educational or Commercial Broadcast Stations

Form Number DD Form 2833
Form Title Release Granting the U.S. Government Permission to Record and Reproduce Program Material Transmitted by Educational or Commercial Broadcast Stations
Edition Date 10/1/2000
File Size 1 MB

DD Form 2833 (7 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2833?

A DD Form 2833, also called a Release Granting the U.S. Government Permission to Record and Reproduce Program Material Transmitted by Educational or Commercial Broadcast Stations, is a document used by military personnel who wish to record educational or commercial programs aired on TV or radio stations. This form allows the government to use the recorded material for certain purposes such as training, education, research, analysis, and dissemination of information.

The form must be filled out with accurate information about the program being recorded and signed by both the individual recording it and their commanding officer. It is important to note that this form only grants permission for the recording of programs transmitted over educational or commercial broadcast stations; it does not permit the recording of classified material or other sensitive information.

The DD Form 2833 ensures that individuals within the military have access to valuable educational resources while also protecting copyrighted material. In addition to completing this form, individuals must still follow proper protocols regarding the handling and storage of recorded materials.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2833?

DD Form 2833 is a crucial document required by the U.S. government from educational or commercial broadcast stations that intend to record and reproduce program material transmitted on-air. If you are looking for this form, the easiest way to obtain it is through the official website of the Department of Defense or any other government agency that requires its submission.

Apart from obtaining it online, interested individuals can also get DD Form 2833 at their local military installation’s legal office or through their commanding officer. As it’s a mandatory requirement from the federal government, most military installations have copies available for distribution.

In conclusion, if you need a DD Form 2833, there are several ways to get one. The most efficient method is by downloading it from authorized websites or getting it directly from your local military installation’s legal office. As with any important document, ensure you fill out all necessary fields accurately and submit your completed form before any applicable deadlines.

DD Form 2833 – Release Granting the U.S. Government Permission to Record and Reproduce Program Material Transmitted by Educational or Commercial Broadcast Stations

The DD Form 2833 is a document that grants the U.S. government permission to record and reproduce program material transmitted by educational or commercial broadcast stations. This form is required for any institution that plans on using copyrighted material in their broadcasts, such as music, images, and videos.

The purpose of this form is to ensure that the copyright holder’s rights are protected while also allowing the government access to educational and informational content for use in public service announcements and other official communications. By signing this form, broadcasters agree to allow the government to use their content without fear of legal repercussions.

It’s important for broadcasters to be aware of this requirement in order to avoid potential legal issues down the line. Failure to obtain proper permissions can result in costly lawsuits and damage relationships with copyright holders. The DD Form 2833 provides a straightforward solution for broadcasters looking to share valuable information with their audiences while respecting copyright laws.

DD Form 2833 Example

DD Form 2833