DD Form 2860 – Claim for Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC)

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2860 – Claim for Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC) – The DD Form 2860, or Claim for Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC), is an important document for retired military personnel. This form provides eligible veterans with additional monetary compensation to help cover expenses stemming from combat-related injuries and disabilities. Those who are eligible can use the form to apply for monthly payments that exceed their retirement pay by a certain percentage.

Download DD Form 2860 – Claim for Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC)

Form Number DD Form 2860
Form Title Claim for Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC)
Edition Date 7/1/2011
File Size 1 MB

DD Form 2860 (24 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2860?

DD Form 2860 – Claim for Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC) is a form used by the Department of Defense to pay out special compensation to members of the United States military who were injured or disabled while in active service. This form must be completed and submitted with proof of disability for consideration.

A DD Form 2860 can be completed online or printed from the DOD website. It contains sections detailing information about the claimant, their military service record, and details of any injury or disability that occurred during their time as an active duty member. The form also requests any medical documentation supporting the claim along with other evidence such as service records and discharge papers. Once submitted, a review board will assess all documents before deciding on whether or not to award CRSC payments.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2860?

The DD Form 2860 is an important document for U.S. veterans who are seeking special compensation for combat-related injuries or disabilities. It serves as the official claim form for the Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC) program established by Congress in 2002. This form must be completed and submitted to the Department of Defense in order to receive benefits under the CRSC program.

If you are a veteran looking to apply for CRSC benefits, you will need to obtain a DD Form 2860 from your local Veterans Affairs office or download it online from the Department of Defense website. All forms must be filled out completely and accurately before being submitted to ensure that your application is processed efficiently and your claim approved quickly. If additional information is needed, a representative from your local VA office can provide help with completing the form correctly.

DD Form 2860 – Claim for Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC)

The DD Form 2860 is a form used by veterans to claim Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC). The CRSC program provides financial compensation to military retirees who have been medically retired from the armed forces with service-connected disabilities. This form must be completed in order for a veteran to receive the benefits of this program.

The DD Form 2860 requires that the veteran provide documentation verifying their disability rating and other medical information. They must also submit proof of service in a combat zone, as well as any relevant evidence showing that their disability was caused by an incident or event related to their service during a combat mission. Once approved, the veteran will be eligible for up to two thirds of their retirement pay tax free each month.

Those interested in applying should contact their local Veterans Affairs office for information on the application process, submission of required documents, and eligibility requirements.

DD Form 2860 Example

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