DD Form 2873 – Military Protection Order (MPO)

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2873 – Military Protection Order (MPO) – DD Form 2873 is a form used for military protection orders MPO. If you are a military service member you can apply for a DD Form 2873 if you were ordered to go to a specific location by your superior officer. There are a few different ways to apply for a DD Form 2873. Firstly you can contact your commander and ask for a DD Form 2873.

Download DD Form 2873 – Military Protection Order (MPO)

Form Number DD Form 2873
Form Title Military Protection Order (MPO)
Edition Date 2/1/2020
File Size 3 MB

DD Form 2873 (21 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2873?

Military protective orders can limit a service member’s liberty. Generally, a military commander must issue the order if he or she has a reasonable belief that the service member has committed an offense. A military protective order may be issued to protect the service member or a child from domestic violence or sexual assault. The order can be oral or written. However, it is only effective if the service member is attached to the command issuing it.

One of the more common types of MPOs is the oral one. While oral ones are typically issued in response to a suspected sexual assault, they can also be issued for a variety of other reasons. Generally, a commander should make sure that the victim has access to a safe place to stay and adequate medical care. If the situation calls for it, a service member can also be ordered to avoid contact with a certain person or persons. It is no secret that this can be a daunting task for a service member. Luckily, a DD Form 2873 makes this less of a problem.

The DD Form 2873 does not include instructions in the form of a glossary or a list of approved acronyms. You must be aware of the acronyms in your area to be able to complete the requisite paperwork.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2873?

A DD Form 2873 is an important document to have on hand. It serves to notify the service member and the victim of the most important aspects of the order. It can also serve as a stepping stone to other more complex forms.

Generally, a DD Form 2873 is only required if the command has reasonable grounds to believe that the service member has committed an offense. Typically, a DD Form 2873 is issued by the commander-in-chief. The order will remain in effect until the command terminates it. In some cases, the order may be terminated by a higher-up within the command.

In general, the DD Form 2873 will be accompanied by the order of magnitude. This is not a form for the faint of heart. Depending on the circumstances, the commander can limit the liberty of the service member or order that the service member will not be allowed to travel to certain locations. Some examples include removing a service member from his or her home base or ordering a service member to avoid the eyes of a protected person.

It is not a form that is easy to fill out, although you can get help from a professional. You can download a PDF copy of the DD Form 2873 or go the online route. After you have filled out the form, you will be asked to sign it. For more information on how to do this, you should contact a member of the sign now Support team.

DD Form 2873 – Military Protection Order MPO

If a service member is suspected of domestic violence, the victim may request a Military Protective Order (MPO) from the commander. The MPO serves as a short-term injunction and prohibits the service member from contacting the victim. It is issued as part of a safety and risk assessment.

Military protective orders are only valid while the service member is attached to the issuing command. Upon transfer, the MPO is no longer valid. In some cases, it can be extended for a period of time because of ongoing concerns of high risk.

Military protective orders are often used in the context of a “cooling off” period following a sexual assault. Alternatively, military protection orders may be issued to prevent the abuser from visiting a specific location or at certain times.

Military protective orders are issued by the commander in writing and require no formal hearing. While the commander’s decision to issue an order is subjective, he or she is obligated to act in a manner that holds the service member accountable for his or her actions.

Military protective orders can be issued against a current or former intimate partner. Commanders are generally willing to grant the order, provided it is recommended by the Family Advocacy Program.

DD Form 2873 Example

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