DD Form 2876-3 – TRICARE Prime Enrollment, Disenrollment and Primary Care Manager (PCM) Change Form (OVERSEAS)

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2876-3 – TRICARE Prime Enrollment, Disenrollment and Primary Care Manager (PCM) Change Form (OVERSEAS) – TRICARE Prime is a healthcare program that provides comprehensive coverage to eligible military personnel and their families. To enroll in TRICARE Prime, beneficiaries must fill out the DD Form 2876-3. This form serves as both an enrollment and disenrollment document, allowing members to change their Primary Care Manager (PCM) if needed.

For those located overseas, the process of enrolling or making changes to their TRICARE Prime plan can seem daunting. However, by following the instructions on the DD Form 2876-3, beneficiaries can easily make updates or enroll in this essential healthcare program while stationed abroad.

Download DD Form 2876-3 – TRICARE Prime Enrollment, Disenrollment and Primary Care Manager (PCM) Change Form (OVERSEAS)

Form Number DD Form 2876-3
Form Title TRICARE Prime Enrollment, Disenrollment and Primary Care Manager (PCM) Change Form (OVERSEAS)
Edition Date 7/1/2016
File Size 2 MB

DD Form 2876-3 (3 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2876-3?

DD Form 2876-3 is an important document for TRICARE Prime beneficiaries who are stationed overseas. It is a form that you need to fill out if you want to enroll in TRICARE Prime, change your primary care manager (PCM), or disenroll from the program. The form is only used by those who are living outside of the United States.

The DD Form 2876-3 is used to ensure that all eligible beneficiaries have access to high-quality healthcare services while they are residing abroad. Enrolling in TRICARE Prime through this form gives you access to a network of healthcare providers in your area, including specialists and hospitals. You can also choose a PCM who will be your primary point of contact for any health concerns you may have.

It’s important to note that filling out DD Form 2876-3 does not guarantee enrollment in TRICARE Prime. Your eligibility will depend on factors such as your location, military status, and other eligibility requirements. If you have any questions about the form or the enrollment process, it’s best to consult with a TRICARE representative or healthcare provider before submitting your application.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2876-3?

If you are a TRICARE Prime beneficiary living overseas, you may need to complete and submit a DD Form 2876-3 to enroll in or disenroll from the program, or to change your Primary Care Manager (PCM). If you’re wondering where to find this form, rest assured that it is readily available online. You can download a fillable PDF version of the DD Form 2876-3 from the TRICARE website or from other reputable military websites.

In addition to downloading the form, it’s important to ensure that you have all the necessary information and documentation required for enrollment or disenrollment. This includes your sponsor’s social security number and date of birth, proof of eligibility for TRICARE Prime Overseas (TOP) coverage, and any supporting documentation required for PCM changes. It’s always best practice to double-check the most recent instructions provided by your regional contractor before submitting any forms.

Finally, keep in mind that completing a DD Form 2876-3 is just one step in managing your TRICARE benefits while living overseas. Be sure to stay informed about TOP coverage updates and changes by regularly checking official military websites and consulting with your local healthcare providers.

DD Form 2876-3 – TRICARE Prime Enrollment, Disenrollment and Primary Care Manager (PCM) Change Form (OVERSEAS)

The DD Form 2876-3 is a document used for TRICARE Prime enrollment, disenrollment, and primary care manager (PCM) change for military personnel and their families who are stationed overseas. It is an essential form that serves as a record of the patient’s medical history, including their PCM details and health insurance information.

TRICARE Prime is a managed healthcare program provided by the Department of Defense Military Health System. It offers comprehensive coverage to eligible beneficiaries, including active-duty service members, retirees, and their families. The DD Form 2876-3 ensures that patients have access to quality healthcare services while stationed abroad.

In summary, the DD Form 2876-3 plays a vital role in ensuring TRICARE Prime beneficiaries receive adequate healthcare services while living overseas. It enables them to enroll or disenroll from the program or change their PCM quickly and efficiently. This important document helps maintain accurate records of patient health requirements while serving in foreign countries.

DD Form 2876-3 Example

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