DD Form 2913 – Missile Propellants Consolidation and Reporting of Sales

DDFORMS.ORG DD Form 2913 – Missile Propellants Consolidation and Reporting of Sales – Missile propellants are critical components used in the propulsion systems of missiles and rockets. The Department of Defense (DoD) maintains a comprehensive framework for managing and controlling these propellants to ensure their safe handling, storage, transportation, and disposal. It is essential for the DoD to have accurate data on missile propellant sales and transfers for effective inventory management, accountability, and regulatory compliance. To streamline this process, the DoD has implemented DD Form 2913 – Missile Propellants Consolidation and Reporting of Sales. This article provides an overview of DD Form 2913, its purpose, requirements, benefits, and its significance in facilitating efficient missile propellant management within the military.

Download DD Form 2913 – Missile Propellants Consolidation and Reporting of Sales

Form Number DD Form 2913
Form Title Missile Propellants Consolidation and Reporting of Sales
Edition Date 11/1/2006
File Size 825 KB

DD Form 2913 (1 download )

What is a DD Form 2913?

DD Form 2913 is an important document used by the Department of Defense (DoD) for the purpose of consolidating and reporting missile propellant sales. This form is specifically designed to track and monitor the sale of missile propellants in order to ensure proper oversight and control over these hazardous materials. It serves as a comprehensive record that contains essential information such as the type and quantity of propellants sold, as well as details about the buyer, seller, and transportation methods.

The use of DD Form 2913 is critical for maintaining accountability in the handling and distribution of missile propellants. By requiring sellers to complete this form, the DoD can closely monitor all transactions involving these potentially dangerous materials. The accurate reporting and consolidation provided by this form enable government agencies to identify any discrepancies or potential security risks related to missile propellant sales.

Overall, DD Form 2913 plays a crucial role in ensuring the safe storage, transportation, and use of missile propellants. Its implementation allows for effective monitoring and control over sales activities while also providing valuable data that helps prevent unauthorized access or misuse of these hazardous substances.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2913?

DD Form 2913 is an essential document for organizations involved in the sale and consolidation of missile propellants. This form serves as a record of sales and acts as a means to consolidate information regarding the purchase and transfer of these volatile substances. It is crucial for companies dealing with missile propellants to have accurate records to comply with safety regulations and maintain proper inventory control.

To obtain a DD Form 2913, individuals or businesses can visit the official website of the Department of Defense (DoD) or contact their local military installation logistics department. The DoD website provides downloadable versions of various forms, including DD Form 2913, ensuring easy access and convenience for users. Additionally, military installations often have dedicated offices responsible for providing assistance related to form completion and submission.

In conclusion, obtaining a DD Form 2913 is necessary for any organization involved in the sale and consolidation of missile propellants. By reaching out to the Department of Defense’s official website or contacting their local military installation’s logistics department, individuals can easily procure this important document required for record-keeping purposes within this specialized industry.

DD Form 2913 – Missile Propellants Consolidation and Reporting of Sales

The DD Form 2913 is a document used by the Department of Defense (DoD) to consolidate and report sales of missile propellants. This form serves as a critical tool in tracking and managing the purchase, storage, and use of these highly sensitive materials. By requiring all sales to be documented using this form, the DoD ensures that there is a clear record of who has access to missile propellants and how they are being utilized.

One key aspect of DD Form 2913 is its role in preventing unauthorized access to missile propellants. By mandating that all sales must be reported using this form, the DoD can closely monitor who is purchasing these materials and for what purpose. This helps prevent any potential misuse or diversion of missile propellants, which could have serious national security implications.

In addition to security concerns, DD Form 2913 also plays a crucial role in inventory management. By consolidating all sales data into one form, it becomes easier for the DoD to track and analyze trends related to missile propellant usage. This allows them to better forecast future needs and ensure that an adequate supply is maintained at all times. Furthermore, by having a centralized record of all transactions involving missile propellants, it becomes easier for auditors or investigators to trace any discrepancies or irregularities that may arise in relation to these materials.

DD Form 2913 Example

DD Form 2913