DD Form 2938 – Election of Retirement Coverage for Reemployed Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) Discontinued Service Retirement (DSR) Annuitants

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2938 – Election of Retirement Coverage for Reemployed Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) Discontinued Service Retirement (DSR) Annuitants – Retirement is a significant milestone in anyone’s life, marking the end of years of dedicated service and the beginning of a new chapter. For federal employees who have retired under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS), reemployment may become an option down the line. However, understanding how retirement coverage works for reemployed FERS Discontinued Service Retirement (DSR) Annuitants can be complex and confusing. This article will focus on providing clarity on DD Form 2938 – Election of Retirement Coverage for Reemployed Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) DSR Annuitants, shedding light on its importance and implications for those considering reemployment after retirement under FERS.

Download DD Form 2938 – Election of Retirement Coverage for Reemployed Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) Discontinued Service Retirement (DSR) Annuitants

Form Number DD Form 2938
Form Title Election of Retirement Coverage for Reemployed Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) Discontinued Service Retirement (DSR) Annuitants
Edition Date 12/1/2008
File Size 41 KB

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What is a DD Form 2938?

The DD Form 2938 is a crucial document used by reemployed federal employees under the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) who have previously retired and are now eligible for Discontinued Service Retirement (DSR) annuity benefits. This form serves as an election to choose whether the retiree wants to continue their FERS annuity or waive it in favor of creditable service towards their re-employment.

By completing this form, reemployed DSR annuitants can make an informed decision about their retirement benefits. This choice determines whether they will receive both their annuity and the salary from their new position or if they will only receive their salary and accumulate additional creditable service towards a future retirement benefit. It is important for these individuals to carefully consider the pros and cons of each option before making a selection on the DD Form 2938.

In summary, the DD Form 2938 plays a significant role in allowing reemployed DSR annuitants to exercise control over their retirement coverage under FERS. By providing this document, federal agencies ensure that these employees have the opportunity to evaluate various scenarios and make informed decision that aligns with their financial goals and future plans.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2938?

The DD Form 2938 is an important document for reemployed Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) Discontinued Service Retirement (DSR) annuitants who wish to elect retirement coverage. This form allows them to choose between receiving creditable service under the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) or the FERS system. It is crucial for individuals in this situation to carefully consider their options and make an informed decision by completing this form accurately.

To find a DD Form 2938, individuals can visit various official government websites such as the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). The OPM website provides access to a wide range of forms related to federal employment, including DD Form 2938. Additionally, applicants may also be able to obtain this form from their employing agency’s human resources department or retirement office.

It is essential for reemployed DSR annuitants to locate and complete the DD Form 2938 correctly as it determines their retirement coverage. Failure to submit this form can result in incorrect benefits calculations and potential financial repercussions later on. Therefore, individuals should take advantage of available resources and ensure they have the correct version of the form before submitting it according to prescribed guidelines.

DD Form 2938 – Election of Retirement Coverage for Reemployed Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) Discontinued Service Retirement (DSR) Annuitants

DD Form 2938 is a crucial document for reemployed Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) Discontinued Service Retirement (DSR) Annuitants who wish to make an election of retirement coverage. This form allows these annuitants to choose either FERS or Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) coverage during their reemployment in the federal government. By completing this form, DSR annuitants can determine the most suitable retirement plan for their needs and preferences.

The purpose of DD Form 2938 is to provide a comprehensive overview of the retirement options available to reemployed DSR annuitants. It outlines the various factors that should be considered when making this important decision, such as differences in benefits, contributions, and eligibility requirements between FERS and CSRS. This form also includes instructions on how to complete it accurately and where to submit it. Failure to complete DD Form 2938 may result in defaulting to FERS coverage, so it is essential for reemployed DSR annuitants to carefully review and understand its contents before making their election.

In conclusion, DD Form 2938 serves as a critical tool for reemployed DSR annuitants in choosing their desired retirement coverage under either FERS or CSRS. By providing all necessary information about both plans and guiding individuals through the completion process, this form ensures that retirees can make an informed decision suited to their specific circumstances and preferences.

DD Form 2938 Example

DD Form 2938