DD Form 2982 – Recruiter/Trainer Prohibited Activities Acknowledgment

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 2982 – Recruiter/Trainer Prohibited Activities Acknowledgment – Recruiting and training personnel can be a difficult task. It is important for recruiters and trainers to understand their roles, responsibilities, and any prohibited activities that they must adhere to in order to ensure proper recruitment and training practices. The DD Form 2982 – Recruiter Trainer Prohibited Activities Acknowledgment is an important document used by the Department of Defense (DoD) in order to acknowledge that recruiters and trainers understand their responsibilities and the prohibited activities they must adhere to.

Download DD Form 2982 – Recruiter/Trainer Prohibited Activities Acknowledgment

Form Number DD Form 2982 –
Form Title Recruiter/Trainer Prohibited Activities Acknowledgment
Edition Date 1/1/2015
File Size 58 KB

DD Form 2982 (3 downloads )

What is a DD Form 2982?

A DD Form 2982, also known as the Recruiter Trainer Prohibited Activities Acknowledgment, is an important document that all recruiters and trainers of the armed forces must complete prior to beginning their work. The form outlines the guidelines for proper conduct during recruitment and training activities, ensuring that military personnel is held to a higher standard than civilians.

The DD Form 2982 serves as a warning against committing any misconduct in regard to recruitment or training activities. It covers topics such as recruiting assistance from outside sources, bribery and intimidation of potential recruits, acceptance of favors from potential recruits or their families, improper use of funds and materials by recruiters or trainers, unprofessional behavior on social media sites related to recruiting activities, soliciting gifts for personal gain, unauthorized sponsorships of events or organizations related to recruitment activities.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 2982?

DD Form 2982 is an important document required by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). It serves as a written acknowledgment that Recruiter Trainers have reviewed and understand the various statutes, regulations, and policies governing prohibited activities while serving in their role. Completion of DD Form 2982 is mandatory for all Recruiter Trainers within the DoD. Understanding where to locate the form is key for its successful completion.

The DD Form 2982 can be found on various websites devoted to military personnel documents, such as eForms or Military Forms Online. The form can also be located through a search engine query on any web browser; simply type “DD Form 2982” in the search bar and multiple sources should appear from which to download it from directly onto your device or computer.

DD Form 2982 – Recruiter/Trainer Prohibited Activities Acknowledgment

The U.S. Army requires all recruiter and trainer personnel to sign DD Form 2982 – Recruiter Trainer Prohibited Activities Acknowledgment. This form states that the recruiters and trainers agree to follow certain rules and regulations regarding the recruitment process for enlisting in the Army. It also serves as an acknowledgment of prohibited activities in recruiting, such as making false promises or misrepresenting the benefits of military service.

The form is designed to ensure that recruiters adhere to standards set by the Department of Defense while providing applicants with a transparent understanding of what they can expect when signing up for military service. Specifically, it outlines prohibited activities such as giving false information or offering incentives unrelated to official army policies or regulations; making any unauthorized promises; or coercing anyone into joining the armed forces.

DD Form 2982 Example

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