DD Form 3007 – Hasty Protective Row Minefield Record

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 3007 – Hasty Protective Row Minefield Record – The DD Form 3007 is a form that you need to fill out when you have left the military and are re-entering civilian life. It is designed to help you keep track of your military service history. You will be asked to write your name and address, your rank, and the dates you served. In addition, you will need to give your reason for leaving the military and any special circumstances you may have. After you have filled out the form, you can use it to establish your eligibility for a new job.

Download DD Form 3007 – Hasty Protective Row Minefield Record

Form Number DD Form 3007
Form Title Hasty Protective Row Minefield Record
Edition Date 12/1/2015
File Size 715 KB

DD Form 3007 (2 downloads )

DD Form 3007 – Hasty Protective Row Minefield Record

If you are a member of the U.S. Army, you are required to report the location of your scatterable minefields to a higher military authority. The procedure for reporting these fields is simple and uniform. You simply record the position of the mines on a form that is used by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). This document is called a DD Form 3007.

Using the DA Form 1355-1-R, you will report the locations of scatterable mines on a protective row minefield. For example, you may have a row marker placed at B1 to mark the beginning of the second row. After recording the location of the mines, you will bury the mines behind the row markers and arm them. At this point, you will record the distance to the RP in meters, the magnetic azimuth in degrees, and the method of measurement. You will also note the mine in the remarks section of the form.

This DA Form 1355-1-R must be sent to a higher military headquarters. It is a form that can be reproduced locally on 8 1/2-by-11-inch paper. When you remove a minefield or munition field, you destroy this form. However, it can be reprinted for your records.

DD Form 3007 Example

DD Form 3007