DD Form 3008 – Explosive Hazards Clearance Report

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 3008 – Explosive Hazards Clearance Report – If you are working in the construction industry, you may be required to complete an explosive hazards clearance report. This is commonly referred to as a DD Form 3008. You should know how to locate and fill out this form in order to ensure that your company is compliant.

Download DD Form 3008 – Explosive Hazards Clearance Report

Form Number DD Form 3008
Form Title Explosive Hazards Clearance Report
Edition Date 12/1/2015
File Size 189 KB

DD Form 3008 (7 downloads )

What is a DD Form 3008?

The DD Form 3008 isn’t your average soldier’s cup of tea. That’s why it was deemed worthy of a spot in our top ten lists of the best DD Forms. However, don’t expect to get a call from your favorite officer telling you to get a hold of one. Instead, get out of dodge and check out the hundreds of other nifty forms that make up the DoD. It’s a great time to get your ducks in a row.

To make the most of this coveted accolade, take a look at the nifty AF Form 3008’s online counterpart. Not only is the online version easier to fill out, but it’s also a cinch to download and save to your computer. Plus, you can do it on your own schedule.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 3008?

If you are a member of the United States Armed Forces or at least have a passing interest in the military, chances are you have heard of DD Form 3008. But what is it, and where do you find it? Well, you’ll be happy to know that it is readily available in both printable and PDF formats, albeit not in all jurisdictions, and it is not only for those in the U.S. It is also used by foreign forces and in civilian industries of all stripes. The form is not without a few drawbacks, mainly in its name. However, it is a necessary evil.

A quick Google search should turn up a plethora of online forms and templates, many of which can be easily customized and edited. In addition to the aforementioned DD Form 3008, the Military Department of Defense (DOD) has more than its fair share of forms to choose from. Most of the more commonly used ones are free to download and use, making them a viable option for those on a tight budget.

DD Form 3008 – Explosive Hazards Clearance Report

The US Army’s Explosive Hazards Clearance Report (DD Form 3008) is an explosives safety document. It explains the requirements to transport and use explosives safely. These requirements are in accordance with the Army National Guard Regulations, which prescribe standards for ammunition. In addition, AE SOPs must be developed for all AE operations.

During the hazard analysis phase, the potential explosion site, which is the location where the explosives may explode, must be analyzed. A blast hazard exists at the site, as well as thermal and debris hazards. All materials that might be involved in the explosion must be disassembled, separated from ammunition, and identified with the DoD Identification Code. This information is given to the contractor for constituent data for the AE devices and components.

The Department of Defense’s explosives safety regulation, NGR 385-64, is a key component of this process. This regulation sets standards for the transport of explosives and other hazardous materials. While there are exceptions to these regulations, the Chief, NGB-AVS-S, has the authority to approve them if they meet the standards set by the controlling law.

Once a request for authorization is submitted, Commanders at each level must approve it before it can move to the next approval level. For major modifications to structures, such as new structures or alterations to existing structures, a Certificate of Compelling Reasons must be obtained.

DD Form 3008 Example

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