DD Form 3013 – Ford Reconnaissance Report

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 3013 – Ford Reconnaissance Report – If you are planning on taking your car to a dealership, you will probably need to fill out a DD Form 3013. This form is used to verify that you are not a convicted felon. It is also called a Ford Reconnaissance Report.

Download DD Form 3013 – Ford Reconnaissance Report

Form Number DD Form 3013
Form Title Ford Reconnaissance Report
Edition Date 2/1/2016
File Size 200 KB

What is a DD Form 3013?

A DD Form 3013 is a form that the Department of Defense has enacted for the purpose of recording military incidents and making inquiries about the same. Information regarding these incidents is used for official purposes within the Department of Defense and may be used by Members of Congress and other Government agencies.

The form is available in both PDF and Microsoft Word formats. It contains a section for the purpose of providing the requester with a response to his or her request. The information entered into this section should be accurate. Otherwise, the response may be delayed or incomplete, or it may not identify the person who made the request.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 3013?

If you are a member of the Armed Forces, you may be familiar with the DD Form 3013. It is a form that was created by the United States Department of Defense. In addition to this, you may also be familiar with the DA Form 3013. The difference between the two is a bit subtle, but the DD Form 3013 is used by the U.S. Army, while the DA Form 3013 is used by the Department of Defense.

Unlike the DA Form 30, the DD Form 3013 is not available in a separate booklet or manual. Instead, it is available as a PDF document. This makes the form a little more accessible to those who aren’t in a military unit. As such, you might be wondering where you can find a copy of the DD Form 3013.

DD Form 3013 Example

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