DD Form 3018 – Phased Retirement Request and Agreement

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 3018 – Phased Retirement Request and Agreement – A DD Form 3018 is a form for those in the military who wish to retire on a phased basis. You need to fill this form out and send it to your commanding officer if you are planning to retire. Then they will give you the approval to retire.

Download DD Form 3018 – Phased Retirement Request and Agreement

Form Number DD Form 3018
Form Title Phased Retirement Request and Agreement
Edition Date 6/1/2016
File Size 44 KB

DD Form 3018 (8 downloads )

DD Form 3018 – Phased Retirement Request and Agreement

The DoD Form 3018 is a form used to sign a request and agreement for participation in the phased retirement program. This program allows eligible employees to remain part-time work while they approach retirement. The program was approved by Congress in July 2012, and the Office of Management and Budget issued rules for its implementation in 2014. Currently, less than 100 employees are participating in the program. However, the Acting DoD Under Secretary for Personnel and Readiness, Peter Levine, issued a memorandum in June that said the department will begin accepting eligible civilian employees into the program.

In order to qualify for the program, an employee must be in full employment status for the last three years, have been eligible for immediate retirement under FERS or CSRS, and have a component head’s approval. Components have the authority to limit the number of employees that can participate in the program.

DD Form 3018 Example

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