DD Form 3019 – Resuscitation Record

DDFORMS.ORG – DD Form 3019 – Resuscitation Record – If you’re a police officer, firefighter, or emergency medical technician, you know how important it is to keep track of your resuscitation records. The DD Form 3019 is one of these forms. It’s a document that allows you to record a patient’s details, such as their name, age, address, and date of birth. You can also record the date and time of the resuscitation.

Download DD Form 3019 – Resuscitation Record

Form Number DD Form 3019
Form Title Resuscitation Record
Edition Date 10/1/2015
File Size 701 KB

What is a DD Form 3019?

A DD Form 3019 (also known as the DD-A&T (AR) 1862 or a DD-A&T (AR) 1872) is not your ordinary medical record form. This piece of paper is a bit of a hoot to complete, and if you are in the military, you may be on the hook for some well-deserved petty cash. In addition to the form, there are several documents to be considered, including the infamous C-Spine Clearance Form, the Medical Orders of Duty, and other forms of official documentation. If you are a member of the military, the task of filling out a medical record can take up a significant chunk of your free time, and you need to get the job done right.

Where Can I Find a DD Form 3019?

The DD 3019 Resuscitation Record is the brainchild of a Department of Defense (DoD) program known as MEDCOM. This acronym stands for Medical Command, Operations, Communications, and Intelligence. Its mission is to ensure the health and well-being of DoD personnel and their families. MEDCOM has a multitude of responsibilities. From military healthcare and medical readiness to combating disease, MEDCOM is the nexus for information exchange and policy development. While a plethora of departments is responsible for some of the most important aspects of military health care, MEDCOM is often at the frontline of the battle. For example, it is a hub for coordinating medical response operations and commanding the DoD’s medical readiness programs.

DD Form 3019 – Resuscitation Record

A Resuscitation Record is a form that has to be completed on all patients in Role 2 and Role 3 settings. It is an official document and should be completed in a timely manner. The form can be made online or in a printable PDF.

It contains all of the pertinent information about the patient. It includes all of the important medical history, including the time of arrival and injuries sustained. In addition, it should include civilians, coalition forces, and local nationals. Moreover, it must also include any C-Spine Clearance Form or supplemental documentation that is required.

The Resuscitation Record is considered the primary document. It should be completed on all trauma patients, including those evacuated by MEDEVAC. In addition, the document should be completed for all trauma patients in Role 2 settings. Similarly, it should be completed on all trauma patients in Role 3 settings.

The form is also used in mass casualty scenarios. During these situations, it can be a helpful tool. Nevertheless, it should not be used in place of DD Form 3019. However, it may be helpful to use in cases where there are insufficient team members.

It is very important that you never discard the document. All of the records that have been recorded should be transferred electronically to the next role of care.

DD Form 3019 Example

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